A Trip to Sicily

A Trip to Sicily, 2018

I usually take notes and sketches on paper notebooks: from this point of view, I am a bit old-fashioned.

But in summer 2018, I really wanted to capture the colours of the southern coast of Sicily. So I started also sketching on my phone, tracing on some pixelated panoramic photos I took, and then adding some extra details.

Most of those sketches are below.

Spiaggia di Marinello

Marinello is a lovely urban beach in Licata.

Porta San Salvatore

Porta San Salvatore is one of the many gates of Sciacca. Lovely crafted, it has patterns sculpted in the rock!

San Gerlando

A lovely (and mysterious!) portal of the church of San Gerlando (which is closed, by the way!)

The sea!

Ah, Mediterranean colours. The view of the sea from the Thermal baths of Sciacca was unique.


Tempio della Concordia


Licata is a lovely city, full of elegant palaces. I was impressed, lovely visit.

Piazza Armerina

Everyone knows about the mosaics of Villa del Casale. But the city-centre of Piazza Armerina is a gem!

Scicli, Palazzo Beneventano

A rococo masterpiece in Scicli, a city that is really elegant and worth a visit. Especially if you are looking for cinematic passeggiate.

Driving towards Syracuse

Ah the colours of sunset in Sicily! No palette will never capture them!

Scicli, A church

Now a bit touristy, Scicli looks anyway like non-Italians think Italy should be. It is not uncommon to find day-dreaming selfie-addicted tourists living the dream...

La Cipolla giarratana

Honestly, best onion of my life! The onion from Giarre is just amazingly sweet! Tears of joy!

A landscape

Driving in mainland Sicily offers magnificent views, fields and mountains.