Cardboard Tube Rules

1. First Rule of CTFL: Don’t break your tube. 

2. In a duel, the last person with an unbroken tube is declared the winner. In the event that both participants break their tubes at the same time, the game is a draw, and both duelists are considered losers.

3. No blocking or swinging with your arms. No body slamming. Only your shield may be used to block blows and only your tube can be used to make blows. 

4. No stabbing. Lunges involving tubes are never allowed under any circumstances. Participants who exhibit this behavior, will be ruled ineligible to compete for the rest of the event. 

5. Striking the body is forbidden. Anyone striking the body will be ruled ineligible to compete for the rest of the event. Striking at the face may be rewarded with the special prize of a detention.

6. Once your tube is broken you must stop fighting. You may then choose to face your death fearlessly or appeal to the crowd for mercy by raising a finger.

7. To participate you must be using an official CTFL tube, which will be provided at the event, and have signed a release waiver. 

8. Your tube must always be held near the bottom. Holding your tube in the middle at any time is illegal.