
This study will investigate the production, flux and reactivity of methane-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from methane (CH4) seeps at Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon. The study will address four fundamental questions to determine the significance of CH4-derived DOC within the ocean carbon cycle, which are detailed below. We will employ an interdisciplinary strategy that includes in situ sampling, laboratory incubations, and a comprehensive analytical geochemistry program. The centerpiece of the proposed investigation was a 7-day research cruise in 2023 to collect sediments, pore fluids, and water column samples, and deploy OsmoSamplers for continuous time series fluid sampling. The results will form the foundation for estimating the contribution of CH4-derived DOC to the oceanic DOC pool.

Meet the team below

Logo by Lennart Stock, MARUM

Research questions

How much CH4-derived fossil DOC do seeps contribute to the oceans?

To what extent is CH4-derived C incorporated into DOC during anaerobic oxidation of CH4?

Is seep DOC bioavailable or recalcitrant when released into the deep ocean?

How does the flux of DOC to the water column vary over time?

The best part of this project is the people we get to work with:

John Pohlman

Jeff Seewald

Rachel Young

Karen Lloyd

Anna Hildebrand

Lennart Stock 

Ellen Lalk

Kun Ma

Leketha Williams

Michael Casso

Mario Veloso

Tim Weiss

Huge kudos to team members who helped out immensely during the project:

Annabel Schreiber

Lily Traver

Maddie Glenna

Cora Pohlman

Avery Fulford

Maureen Strauss

Ben Freiberg

Sean Silva