Constitution and Bylaws

Laketown Neighborhood Association

Constitution and Bylaws

Revised October, 2018

Article I: Name

The name of this association shall be the Laketown Neighborhood Association.

Article II: Purpose

The Association is formed of residents, businesses, churches and other members who work for the improvement of the neighborhood known as “Laketown.” Neighborhood improvement shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the promotion of public safety, the fostering of a positive environment, the encouragement of mutually beneficial social activities, and the preservation and beautification of the neighborhood character and environment.

The Association shall sponsor and promote programs and activities consistent with the above for the benefit of the membership. Activities of the Association in which the general public may become involved shall be incidental to the purpose of the Association.

Laketown shall be defined as the area bounded on the west by the ICG right-of-way, on the north by Adlai Stevenson Drive, on the east by West Lake Shore Drive, and on the south by Interstate 55 in Sangamon County, Illinois.

Article III: Membership

Membership in the Association shall be open to all adult residents of Laketown, nonresident property owners of residential property, and businesses, corporations, partnerships, and not-for-profit corporations located in or near Laketown supportive of the purpose of the association. Membership in the Association conveys the right to one (1) vote at Annual and Special Association meetings.

Membership classes and dues are as follows:

1. Household: $20.00 per year. Available to all households and nonresident residential property owners.

2. Business: $35.00 per year.

3. Special: $35.00 per year. Available to all entities above supportive of the purpose of the Association.

4. Seniors 65+ : $15.00 per year.

Effective January 1, 2012, the membership year will be January 1 to December 31. A current membership directory will be made available to members upon request. Members that do not owe any outstanding dues will have their names and/or business ads appear in the directory.

Article IV: Meetings

1.The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on/or about the fourth Tuesday of the month of October.

2. Special meetings of the Association shall be held at a time and place as designated by the Board and shall be publicized at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.

3. Board meetings shall be held monthly or at such times and places as the Board determines. Any Association member is welcome to attend such meetings, but is not entitled to vote.

4. Committee meetings shall be held at such times and places as called by the Committee chairperson.

5. Quorums:

A. Ten (10) members of the Association shall constitute a quorum at an Annual meeting or Special meeting.

B. A majority of the Board or Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of a meeting of said persons.

6. All meetings described under this article shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article V: Members of the Board

1. Members of the Board of Directors of the Association shall be residents and/or homeowners of Laketown. The Board shall be composed of five (5) board members and four (4) officers who are elected annually. Elections of officers and board members shall take place at the annual meeting in October.

2. If any Board member shall vacate his or her office before the end of a term, the Board may appoint a successor for the balance of the term.

3. If any Board member is not present for three (3) consecutive meetings without cause, he or she shall be removed from office, and the Board shall appoint a replacement to serve the balance of the term.

4. Every effort shall be made to assure that the composition of the Board represents all neighborhood residents.

5. For the purposes of conducting business, vacancies on the Board shall not be considered to determine a quorum or to tally a vote.

Article VI: Officers

The officers of the Association shall be nominated annually in October by members of the Association and voted for approval by members of the Board. The membership of the Association shall then select by final vote members of the board from the approved nominees.

1. President

The president of the Association shall be the principal officer of the Association, empowered to act for the Association in all matters subject to the prior direction of the Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board, appoint committee chairpersons, and shall be a member of each committee.

2. Vice President

The Vice President of the Association shall act as President in the absence of the President and assume other duties at the direction of the Board.

3. Secretary

The Secretary of the Association shall have custody of all Association documents and records and shall record and maintain the minutes of the Association.

4. Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Association shall receive, have custody, and keep account of all Association funds and shall disburse such funds only upon the direction and in a manner approved by the Board. The treasurer shall act as trustee of the funds while in his or her possession and shall render an annual accounting and monthly reports.

Article VII: Committees

1. The committees of the Association shall consist of the President, a committee chairperson, and such members as may be necessary to perform its designated task.

2. Committee membership is not limited to members of the board. Such committee membership conveys the power vote in committee on matters before the committee, but not on matters reserved to the Board.

3. The President shall appoint committee chairpersons. The Board must accept and confirm said chairpersons. The chairperson shall appoint other committee members. Committee members do not have to be accepted and confirmed by the Board.

Article VIII: Amendments

The Constitution of the Association may be amended at a meeting of the membership by a majority of those voting.

Article XI: Dissolution

Dissolution of the Association shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership as required by laws of the State of Illinois and shall be accomplished in the manner prescribed by law