Laws & Regulations


Sanitary districts are governed by South Dakota Codified Law Chapter 34A-5. While it is possible for sanitary districts to adopt their own by-laws, doing so is uncommon and most sanitary districts do not. The framework already set up is extensive and can be accessed below.

Chapter 34A-5

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

The Lake Poinsett Sanitary District is a political subdivision of the state of South Dakota. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) administers the grant and loan funding packages which allows the LPSD to expand and update the system.

Please click here to view the DENR's website.

State Revolving Fund Requirements

The Lake Poinsett Sanitary District receives funding from the South Dakota Sate Revolving Fund in the form of grants and loans. The loans are commonly referred to as SRF loans. The funding has always included forgivable debt, in the form of grants, at a rate of approximately 50% of project costs. Please find the SRF Rules governing the funds below.

Chapter 74:05:08

Septic Tank Requirements

In general terms, septic tanks need to be factory made and professionally installed by a certified installer. There is a permit required for any work done on any septic system within the district. The permit ensures compliance with state laws, rules and regulations. To view the state requirements for septic systems, please click on the links below.

74:53:01 - Individual and Small On-site Wastewater Systems (entire section)

74:53:01:25 - Minimum Capacities of Septic Tanks (How big does the tank need to be?)

74:53:01:23 - Design and Construction Requirements

74:53:01:19 - Distance Between On-site Wastewater System Components and Pertinent Ground Features (How far from the lake?)