
The Lake Poinsett Sanitary District (LPSD) is a political sub-division of the State of South Dakota that includes all land within 1,000 feet of the ordinary high water mark, 1,651.5 feet, of Lake Poinsett. The LPSD's Board of Trustees and Staff are listed below.


Dennis Micko - Chairman

Bob Westall - Treasurer

David Chicoine

Scott Ross

Paul Calkins


Lydia Fuhr

Geff Goodfellow

Board of Trustees

Board Member since 2016

Board Member since 2016

Board Member since 2020

Board Member since 2021

Board Member since 2021


Business Manager & Clerk

Facilities Operator

Term Expires:

June of 2025

June of 2025

June of 2026

June of 2024

June of 2024


June 27, 2016

November 11, 2019