Eschweiler (Germany)

Berufskolleg Eschweiler is located in Eschweiler in the most western part of Germany. It offers both, vocational training and academic education in form of full- and part-time courses and it has two departments, one for business and administration and one for technology. Most full-time students attend our school for two years and take their vocational a-levels in 4 subjects: German, English and maths are obligatory and the fourth subject depends on the focus they have chosen (economics, IT etc). Then there are also part time students. They usually have got a training period of three years. Most of them attend classes here two days a week and are on location with different companies the other days. Some apprentices come to our school periodically for a few weeks and then stay at their external training posts.

There is a variety of students in the different departments. In the commercial and business sector there are e.g. bank clerks, clerks for office communication, shop assistants, pharmacist’s assistants and dentist’s assistants In the trade and industry sector there are housekeeping assistants, energy electricians, industrial mechanics, gas fitters and plumbers, process technology mechanics, locksmithers, roofers, heating and ventilation engineers.

The college is situated near the Belgian/Dutch border. The small town Eschweiler has got a population of about 55,000 and is not far from cultural centers of interest such as Aachen and Cologne. Concerning migration it has to be mentioned that there are more than 25 different nationalities at our school with a well functioning integration.

As regards the project Germany is among other partners in charge of coordinating social and cultural activities, such as exhibitions, preparing programs, collecting observation and interview forms, organizing documents and materials etc.

Previous projects

2002 Comenius 1 VG-C1-SP-PNW- 0200454-2 Wie sehen Umwelt und Ernährung europäischer Bürger von morgen aus?

How do environment and nutritrion of European citizens look like tomorrow?

2003 Comenius 1 VG-C1-SP-PNW- 04-00742-2 No man is an island – sharing human values