
原著論文 (査読有り)


Dynamics of Centipede Locomotion Revealed by Large-Scale Traction Force Microscopy,

Rieu,J.P., Delanoë-Ayari1,H.,Barentin1,C., Nakagaki,T. and  Kuroda,S.,

 J. R. Soc. Interface 21: 20230439. 

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2023.0439 (12pp) 2024

Published on 2024.5.29


Gait switching with phase reversal of locomotory waves in the centipede Scolopocryptops rubiginosus,

Kuroda,S., Uchida,N., Nakagaki,T.

Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 17 026005

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/ac482d (18pp) 2022

Published on 2022.3.8


Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity of Slime Mold (Physarum Polycephalum),

Maki,S., Kuroda,S.,Fujiwara,S., Tanaka,S., Erzalia,E., Kato,M.. Higo,K., Arata,T. and Nakagaki,T., 

Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical, 

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26717/BJSTR.2020.31.005090 (5pp) 2020 

“Physiological properties of Cantor coding-like iterated function system in the hippocampal CA1 network”,

Fukushima,Y., Yamaguti,Y.,Kuroda,S.,Aihara,T., Tsuda,I. and Tsukada,M., 

Cognitive Neurodynamics, 

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/ (8pp) 2020


A Mathematical Model for Adaptive Vein Formation during Exploratory Migration of Physarum polycephalum: Routing while Scouting,

Schenz,D., Shima,Y., Kuroda,S., Nakagaki,T., Ueda,K.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 50: 434001 (14pp)

Published on 2017.9.28


Localization of Photoperiod Responsive Circadian Oscillators in the Mouse Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Yoshikawa,T., Inagaki,N., Takagi,S., Kuroda,S., Yamasaki,M., Watanabe,M., Honma,S., Honma,K.-I.

Scientific reports 7:8210 (13pp)

Published on 2017.8.15

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Behavioural differentiation induced by environmental variation when crossing a toxic zone in an amoeba,

Kunita, I., Ueda,K., Akita,D., Kuroda,S.,  Nakagaki,T.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 50: 354002 (15pp)

Published on 2017.8.7,

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Current reinforcement model reproduces centre-in-centre vein trajectory of Physarum polycephalum,


Development, Growth & Differentiation, DOI:10.1111/dgd.12384,

Published on 2017.7.13

Dissociation of Per1 and Bmal1 circadian rhythms in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in parallel with behavioral outputs,

Ono,D., Honma,S., Nakajima,Y., Kuroda,S., Enoki,R., Honma,K.,

PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1613374114

published on 2017.4.17

Dual origins of the intracellular circadian calcium rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus,

Enoki,R. and Ono,D. and Kuroda,S. and Honma,S. and Honma,K-I.

Scientific Reports 7, 41733

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Experimental models for Murray's Law,

Akita,D.. Kunita,I. Fricker,M.D., Kuroda,S., Sato,K., Nakagaki,T.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 50,  024001 (11pp)

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Physical ethology of unicellular organism,

Kuroda,S., Takagi,S., Saegusa,T., Nakagaki,T.,

In Brain Evolution by Design (eds. Shigeno,S., Murakami,Y. Nomura,T) (Springer, New York) , pp.3-23.

link to journal site [pdf]


A ciliate memorizes the geometry of a swimming arena,

Kunita,I., Yamaguchi,T., Tero,A., Akiyama,M., Kuroda,S., Nakagaki,T.

J. R. Soc. Interface, 13: 20160155

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Allometry in Physarum plasmodium during free locomotion : Size versus shape, speed and rhythm,

Kuroda,S., Takagi,S., Nakagaki,T., Ueda,T.

The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218. 3729-3738. doi: 10.1242/jeb.124354

 (link to paper) (pdf in HUSCUP) [pdf]

Common mechanics in crawling locomotion of limbless and legged animals,

Kuroda,S. Tanaka,Y. Nakagaki,T.

Journal of SICE, 54, 248-253, 2015  (in Japanese)

(pdf in HUSCUP) (link to paper)


Attempts to retreat from a dead-ended long capillary by backward swimming in Paramecium,

Kunita,I., Kuorda,S., Ohki,K., Nakagaki,T.,

Frontiers in microbiology, 5, 270,  doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00270

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(eprint in HUSCUP)

Common mechanics of mode switching in locomotion of limbless and legged animals,

Kuroda,S., Tanaka,Y., Kunita,I.,  Ishiguro,A., Kobayashi,R., Nakagaki,T.,

J. R. Soc. Interface, 11: 20140205 

link to the abstract (eprint in HUSCUP)


Topological specificity and hierarchical network of the circadian calcium rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus,

Enoki, R., Kuroda, S., Ono, D., Hasan, M. T., Honma, S., Ueda, T., Honma, K.

PNAS, 109:21498-503, doi:10.1073/pnas.1214415110

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A mathematical model for Cantor coding in the hippocampus.

Yamaguti, Y., Kuroda, S., Fukushima, Y., Tsukada, M., Tsuda, I.

Neural Networks 24, 43--53

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Iterated function systems in the hippocampal CA1. 

Kuroda, S., Fukushima, Y., Yamaguti, Y., Tsukada, M.,Tsuda, I.

Cognitive Neurodynamics 3, 205--222. 

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Erratum of KurodaS-ETAL:2009



Spatial clustering property and its self-similarity in membrane potentials of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons for a spatio-temporal input sequence.

Fukushima, Y., Tsukada, M., Tsuda, I., Yamaguti, Y., Kuroda, S.

Cognitive Neurodynamics 1, 305--316.

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A complex systems approach to an interpretation of dynamic brain activity II : Does Cantor coding provide a dynamic model for the formation of episodic memory.

Tsuda, I., Kuroda, S.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3146, 129--139.

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Cantor coding in the hippocampus.

Tsuda, I., Kuroda, S.

Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics 18, 249--281. DOI:10.13140/2.1.4878.8480

eprint in HUSCUP (link to paper)

国際会議論文 (査読有り)


黒田茂、田中良巳、中垣俊之(2025)「脚式と非脚式の這行ロコモーションにおける運動モードスイッチングの共通力学」, 計測と制御 54, 248-253  [pdf in J-STAGE] [pdf in HUSCUP]




誤植訂正表(生命のリズムを取り出す in 研究者が教える動物実験3) 

2. 黒田茂, 中垣俊之 (2014)  "生命現象の物理学 生物行動の運動方程式をめざして" 「物理学ガイダンス 」所収,  pp.189-216, 日本評論社編集部(編), 日本評論社

誤植訂正表(生命現象の物理学 in 物理学ガイダンス) (July 15, 2017 更新)




黒田茂(COE研究員,応用数学, 平成17年4月1日〜平成20年3月31日在籍   

研究分野: 理論脳科学,力学系  キーワード: 大自由度力学系, 神経回路網の結合系, コーディング, エピソード記憶, 海馬