
[drafting by Kuo-Shih Tseng]

Soldering gun is my lance.

Keyboard is my shield.

Mouse is my warhorse.

A boy tries to design his dreaming robots!!


I am very interested in designing robots, especially quadruple robots and mobile robots.

It's wonderful to see the robot made by yourself walking on the ground.

I designed not only robotic platforms but also algorithms, e.g. SLAM and people tracking etc..

Although I am always busy, I still have many concepts about designing new robots.


Rocker was made in "Design and implementation of Quadruped Robot" camp. It was made by two motors and analog circuits.

Now, it is at my home.

Year: 2003

Here is the video clip of Rocker.


S-John was made in Robotics courses, lectured by Prof. Li-Chen Fu. My classmate and I implemented S-John which was made by five motors and analog circuits. Now, it is at Lab of Bio-Environment Control and System Analysis at NTU.

Year: 2003

Here is the video clip of S-John.


SIMONE was made by eight motors and hybrid of analog and digitial circuits. However, the leg mechanism did not move vertically so I modified it.

Year: 2004


NTU-SIMONE was made by eight motors and hybrid of analog and digitial circuits. It's the modification version of SIMONE. The leg mechanism can move vertically. If yout are interested in my master thesis, please visit this page.

Year: 2004


From 2005 to 2009, I am a core memeber to develop U-BOT. I design first version of motherboard of U-BOT, DSP and FPGA-based hardware and firmware. U-Bot is the first commercialized mobile robot in Taiwan. It has been adopted by companies and reputable universities in Taiwan.

If you are interested in U-BOT, please visit A-TECH SYSTEM's website.

Year: 2005-2008