

[83] Averaged deep denoisers for image regularization.

P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

[82] Deep regularization for scale-agnostic superresolution of MR images.

           P. Reddy and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[81] DreamWeb: An online tool for graph-based modeling of NMR protein structure.

N. Das, K. N. Chaudhury, and D. Pal; Proteomics.


[80] Lipschitz-constrained convolutional layers using convex projection.

           B. Kumar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICASSP.

[79] Convergent plug-and-play using contractive denoisers.

           P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICASSP.

[78Physically constrained learning of MOS capacitor electrostatics.

           T. Govind, K. N. Chaudhury, S. Guha, S. Mahapatra;  Journal of Applied Physics.

[77] On the contractivity of plug-and-play operators.     (presented at ICASSP'24)

           C. D. Athalye, K. N. Chaudhury, and B. Kumar; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[76] On exact and robust recovery for plug-and-play compressed sensing.

           R. G. Gavaskar, C. D. Athalye, and  K. N. Chaudhury; Signal Processing (Elsevier).

[75]  Improved NMR-data-compliant protein structure modeling captures context-dependent variations 

    and expands the scope of functional inference.

           N. Das, K. N. Chaudhury, and D. Pal; Proteins.


[74] Hyperspectral fusion using weighted nonlocal vector total variation.

           V. S. Unni, P. Nair, and  K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

[73] Guided nonlocal patch regularization and efficient filtering-based inversion for multiband fusion.

           V. S. Unni, P. Nair, and  K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE TCI.

[72] Plug-and-play regularization using linear solvers.

           P. Nair and  K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE TIP.

[71]  Compressive sensing of ECG signals using plug-and-play regularization.

           V. S. Unni, R. G. Gavaskar, and K. N. Chaudhury; Signal Processing (Elsevier).


[70]  Regularization using denoising: exact and robust signal recovery.

           R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICASSP.

[69]  Multiband image fusion with controllable error guarantees.

           V. S. Unni, R. G. Gavaskar, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICASSP.

[68]  Fixed-point and objective convergence of plug-and-play algorithms.

           P. Nair, R. Gavaskar, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE TCI.

[67]  On plug-and-play regularization using linear denoisers.

           R. G. Gavaskar, C. Athalye, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE TIP.


[66]  Kernel regularization for image restoration.

    V. S. Unni and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[65]  Plug-and-play registration and fusion.

    V. S. Unni, P. Nair, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[64]  Plug-and-play ISTA converges with kernel denoisers.

    R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[63]  Compressive adaptive bilateral filtering.

    P. Nair, R. G. Gavaskar, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICASSP.


[62]  On the proof of fixed-point convergence for plug-and-play admm.

           R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[61]  On uniquely registrable networks.

           A. Singh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on  Network Science and Engineering.

[60]  Fast scale-adaptive bilateral texture smoothing.

           S. Ghosh, R. G. Gavaskar,  D. Panda, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology.

[59]  Hyperspectral image fusion using fast high-dimensional denoising.

           P. Nair,  V. S. Unni, and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[58]  Learning iteration-dependent denoisers for model-consistent compressive sensing.

           P. Reddy and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[57Fast adaptive bilateral filtering of color images.

           R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[56Fast bright-pass bilateral filtering for low-light enhancement.

            S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[55]   Least-squares registration of point sets over SE(d) using closed-form projections.

           Sk. M. Ahmed, N. Das, and K. N. Chaudhury; Computer Vision and Image Understanding.

[54]  When can a system of subnetworks be registered uniquely?

            A. V. Singh and K. N. Chaudhury; ICASSP.

[53]  Fast high-dimensional kernel filtering.   

           P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[52]  Fast adaptive bilateral filtering.

           R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

[51]  Fast high-dimensional bilateral and nonlocal means filtering.     

           P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

[50]  Generalized semantic preserving hashing for cross-modal retrieval. 

           D. Mandal, K. N. Chaudhury and S. Biswas; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

[49]  An iterative eigensolver for rank-constrained semidefinite programming.

    R. Sanyal, A. V. Singh and K. N. Chaudhury; NCC.

[48]  Saliency guided image detail enhancement.   (nominated for best paper award)

    S. Ghosh, R. G. Gavaskar and K. N. Chaudhury; NCC.


[47]  Optimized Fourier bilateral filtering. 

           S. Ghosh, P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[46]  Linearized admm and fast nonlocal denoising for efficient plug-and-play restoration.  (best paper award)

           V. S. Unni, S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE GlobalSIP.       

[45]  Consensus optimization for distributed registration. 

           R. Sanyal and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE GlobalSIP.                               

[44]  Color bilateral filtering using stratified Fourier sampling. 

           S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE GlobalSIP.

[43]  Non-local patch-based regularization for image restoration. 

           V. S. Unni and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.


[42] Artifact reduction for separable non-local means.

        S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; Journal of Electronic Imaging. 

[41] A scalable admm algorithm for rigid registration.

         R. Sanyal, Sk. Ahmed, M. Jaiswal and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

[40] On a registration-based approach to sensor network localization.

        R. Sanyal, M. Jaiswal and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

[39] A reconfigurable and scalable FPGA architecture for bilateral filtering. 

        S. Dabhade, G. Rathna and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

[38] Global multiview registration using non-convex admm.

       Sk. M. Ahmed and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[37]  Fast high-dimensional filtering using clustering.

        P. Nair and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[36]  Lucky DCT aggregation for camera shake removal.

        S. Ghosh, S. Nayak and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP.

[35] A fast approximation of the bilateral filter using the discrete Fourier transform.

        P. Nair, A. Popli and K. N. Chaudhury; Image Processing Online.

[34] Generalized semantic preserving hashing for n-label cross-modal retrieval.

        D. Mandal, K. N. Chaudhury and S. Biswas; IEEE CVPR.

[33] Pruned non-local means.

        S. Ghosh, A. K. Mandal and K. N. Chaudhury; IET Image Processing.


[32] Sequential optimization for pv panel parameter estimation.

        P. Bharadwaj, K. N. Chaudhury and V. John; IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.

[31] Fast bilateral filtering of vector-valued images

        S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP. 

[30] Fast and high-quality bilateral filtering using Gauss-Chebyshev approximation(nominated for best paper award)

        S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; SPCOM.

[29] Scalable and accurate sensor network localization using cliques

         R. Sanyal and K. N. Chaudhury; SPCOM.

[28] Fast separable non-local means.

          S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; Journal of Electronic Imaging.

[27] Fast and provably accurate bilateral filtering.

        K. N. Chaudhury and S. Dabhade; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 

[26]  On fast bilateral filtering using Fourier kernels.     (presented at IEEE ICIP 2016)

        S. Ghosh and K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 


[25] Fast and accurate bilateral filtering using Gauss-polynomial decomposition.  

        K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE ICIP. 

[24] Image denoising using optimally weighted bilateral filters: A SURE and fast approach.

        K. N. Chaudhury and K. Rithwik; IEEE ICIP.

[23] A new admm algorithm for the Euclidean median and its application to robust patch regression.

       K. N. Chaudhury and K. R. Ramakrishnan; IEEE ICASSP. 

[22] Large-scale sensor network localization via rigid subnetwork registration.

        K. N. Chaudhury, Y. Khoo and A. Singer; IEEE ICASSP.

[21] Global registration of multiple point clouds using semidefinite programming.

        K. N. Chaudhury, Y. Khoo and A. Singer; SIAM Journal on Optimization. 

2013 & earlier

[20] Calibrationless parallel magnetic resonance imaging: A joint sparsity model.

        A. Majumdar, K. N. Chaudhury and R. Ward; Sensors, 2013. 

[19] On the convergence of the IRLS algorithm in non-local patch regression. 

       K. N. Chaudhury, IEEE Signal Processing Letters; 2013. 

[18] Decay properties of Riesz transforms and steerable wavelets.

       J. P. Ward, K. N. Chaudhury, and M. Unser; SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2013. 

[17] Acceleration of the shiftable O(1) algorithm for bilateral filtering and non-local means.

        K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2013.

[16] Hardware software co-design of a fast bilateral filter in FPGA. 

        C. Pal, K. N. Chaudhury, A. Samanta, A. Chakrabarti and R. Ghosh; IEEE INDICON, 2013.

[15] Non-local patch regression: Robust image denoising in patch space.

        K. N. Chaudhury and A. Singer; IEEE ICASSP, 2013. 

[14] Non-local Euclidean medians.

       K. N. Chaudhury and A. Singer; IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2012.

[13] Improvements on "Fast space-variant elliptical filtering using box splines".

        K. N. Chaudhury and S. Sanyal; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012.

[12] Constant-time filtering using shiftable kernels. 

        K. N. Chaudhury; IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2011. 

[11] Fast O(1) bilateral filtering using trigonometric range kernels.

        K. N. Chaudhury, D. Sage and M. Unser; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2011. 

[10] On the Hilbert transform of wavelets.

        K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2011. 

[9] Fast space-variant elliptical filtering using box splines.

       K. N. Chaudhury, A. Munoz-Barrutia and M. Unser; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2010. 

[8] On the shiftability of dual-tree complex wavelet transforms.

       K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2010. 

[7] Fast detection of cells using a continuously scalable Mexican-hat-like template.

      K. N. Chaudhury, Zs. Puspoki, A. Munoz-Barrutia, D. Sage and M. Unser; IEEE ISBI, 2010. 

[6] Gabor wavelet analysis and the fractional Hilbert transform.

      K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; SPIE Conference on Mathematical Methods: Wavelet XIII, 2009. 

[5] The fractional Hilbert transform and dual-tree Gabor-like wavelet analysis.

      K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; IEEE ICASSP, 2009. 

[4] Construction of Hilbert transform pairs of wavelet bases and Gabor-like transforms.

      K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2009. 

[3] Fast adaptive elliptical filtering using box splines.

      K. N. Chaudhury, A. Munoz-Barrutia and M. Unser; IEEE ICIP, 2008.    

[2] Construction of Hilbert transform pairs of wavelet bases and optimal time-frequency localization.

      K. N. Chaudhury and M. Unser; IEEE ICASSP, 2008.   

[1] Stability and convergence of the level set method in computer vision. 

      K. N. Chaudhury and K.R. Ramakrishnan; Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007.