E0 265: Convex Optimization and Applications

  • Announcements:

  1. The first meeting is on Jan 3 in B-308 (EE).

  2. Problem Set 1 was sent out.

  3. The first mid-term test will be on Feb 21 between 10:00 - 11:30.

  4. The second mid-term test will be on March 28 between 10:00 - 11:30.

  5. Hard deadline for submission of project report/code: April 20.

  6. Problem Sets 2 and 3 have been sent out.

  7. Final exam: May 1, 10am to 1pm.

  8. Problem Set 4 was sent out.

  9. The final lecture is on April 11.

Course Details

  • Term: January - April 2019.

  • Credits: 3:1

  • Hours: Tuesday and Thursday (10:05 - 11:35 am).

  • Venue: B-308.

  • Instructor: Kunal Chaudhury (kunal@iisc.ac.in).

  • Teaching Assistant: Jerrin Thomas (jerrinp@iisc.ac.in).

  • Registration: http://acadserver.admin.iisc.ac.in/course/

  • Prerequisites: Linear Algebra. I strongly suggest taking CMO or LNO, both offered in Aug-Dec.

  • Topics:

  1. Introduction. [pdf]

  2. Convex sets and functions. [pdf]

  3. Basic convex programs. [pdf]

  4. Optimality, duality, KKT conditions. [pdf]

  5. Algorithms. [pdf]

The main results are discussed in the notes. Detailed explanations/ proofs will be provided during the lecture.

  • Structure: problem sets, mid-term exams, one mini project, and a final exam.

  • Grading: mid-term exams: 30%, mini-project: 20%, final exam: 50%.

  • References:

  1. Convex Optimization by S. Boyd and L. Vandenbergh.

  2. Introductory Lectures on Convex Programming by Y. Nesterov.

  3. Lecture notes.