2013년 3호

Post date: 02-Jun-2014 09:26:46

KrAIS – Korean Chapter of Association for Information Systems Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3

2013 년 12 월 2 일 발행

유영진 (Temple Univ.), 김용진(서강대), Co-Chairs, 방민석 (George Mason Univ.), Newsletter Editor

승진/이동/신규임용 소식

    •  Temple University 의 유영진 교수님께서 2016 년 6 월까지 MIS Quarterly 의 Senior Editor 를 맡으셨습니다. 또한 Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS)의 Interdisciplinary & Path Breaking Research Track 의 Senior Editor 를 맡으셨습니다.
    •  Dartmouth University 의 권주희 박사님께서 City University of Hong Kong 에서 조교수 임용을 받으시고 올 가을학기부터 일하시게 되었습니다. (juhekwon@cityu.edu.hk)
      • Call for Paper/Participation
      • Journal of Strategic Information Systems
      • Special Issue on Understanding Strategic Innovation in IT and Business Process Outsourcing
      • http://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-strategic-information-systems/call-for- papers/special-issue-on-understanding-strategic-innovation/
      • Guest Editors
      • Julia Kotlarsky, Aston Business School (UK)
      • Ilan Oshri, Loughborough School of Business and Economics (UK) Sirkka Jarvenpaa, The University of Texas at Austin (USA) Jae-Nam Lee, Korea University Business School (Korea)
      • With maturity of the outsourcing industry, many firms consider outsourcing of Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled business services as a strategic imperative. In the growing body of literature on outsourcing this strategic perspective has been reflected in several papers published recently in JSIS and other IS journals . Viewed as an integral part of business strategy, outsourcing engagements, partnership and alliances offer client firms multiple sources of competitive advantage, among them innovation. While in the earlier days of outsourcing incremental and operational innovation in business processes was expected from vendors, recent years have witnessed an elevation in clients' expectation regarding innovation. Innovations in outsourcing partnerships were now to deliver strategic impact and were expected to improve the firm's business objectives. Strategic innovations in outsourcing were defined as those that significantly enhance the firm's product/service offerings for existing target customers, or enable the firm to enter new markets .
    • We invite research articles that investigate this topic from various angles (client, vendor, advisory), different levels of analysis (e.g. outsourcing engagement, firm) and applying different theories and views on innovation. Some of the aspects this special issue takes interest in are:
    •  What strategic innovation in outsourcing is and how it should be understood in view of existing innovation theories or outsourcing literature?
    •  How tensions between strategic innovation and outsourcing structures, processes and strategies should be understood and interpreted?
    •  What are the antecedents of strategic innovation in outsourcing and are these subject of sourcing models?
    •  What capabilities vendors require in order to deliver strategic innovation in outsourcing?
    •  What are the relationships between strategic innovation outcomes and outsourcing
      • outcomes?
    •  How outsourcing could be utilized as a strategic tool to achieve innovation?
    •  Does strategic innovation change the value proposition of outsourcing at the firm,
      • industry and society level?
      • To be considered for publication, papers must be submitted electronically by May 20, 2014. Papers that pass the initial screening will undergo no more than two rounds of revision. Papers not accepted by the end of the second round of revision will be rejected. The authors have three months to revise their paper.
      • 문의 : 이재남 교수님 (isjnlee@korea.ac.kr)
      • 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare, July 22-24, Singapore
      • http://www.bdah.org/
      • Big data analytics is already making large impacts in finance, manufacturing, retail, and social networks. Healthcare, too, is beginning to experience a data tsunami due to the rapid adoption of information systems generating huge volumes of primary and secondary data. To stay competitive and effective, healthcare organizations should prepare to brace themselves for the oncoming data deluge.
      • The International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (BDAH 2014) provides a leading forum for researchers, healthcare administrators, care-providers, and policy makers to disseminate and share cutting-edge research and practice and gain insights into the challenges, opportunities, novel strategies, and analytic tools and techniques for dealing with big data in healthcare.
    • Submissions Open: Tuesday, October 8, 2013
    • Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: January 31, 2014 (11:59 PM Singapore time) Paper Submission Deadline: February 14, 2014 (11:59 PM Singapore time)
    • Notification to authors: Monday, April 14, 2014
    • Early Registration ends: Monday, June 2, 2014
    • 문의 : 한정필 교수님 (jungpil@nus.edu.sg)
    • APJIS (Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems)

SSCI 등재추진에 협조를 부탁 드립니다.

한국경영정보학회의 대표 학술지인 APJIS (Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems) 의 SSCI 등재를 재추진하고 있습니다. 이를 위해 KrAIS 회원님들의 협조를 부탁 드립니다. 특히 향후 2 년 동안 Citation Award 와 우수논문 Award (영어논문대상) 를 신설하여 포상하기로 하였으니 회원님들의 적극적인 관심과 참여를 기대합니다.

SSCI 등재신청

 2015 년 SSCI 저널로 등재를 신청할 계획임.

저널규정 변경 (2014 년부터 시행)

 Online review system 을 도입할 예정임.

 투고되는 모든 논문에 대해 투고료가 면제되며, 영어 논문의 경우는 게재료도 면제됨.

 투고된논문의심사기간을대폭축소함(30-40일안에1차심사평전달).

Citation Award

 Citation Award 를 신설하고 APJIS 논문을 가장 많이 citation 한 회원에게 매년 포상함.  1등(300만원),2등(200만원),3등(100만원)

우수논문상 (영어)

 APJIS 각호에 게재된 영어논문 중 1 편을 우수논문으로 선정 포상함 (상금 100 만원).

문의 : 현 APJIS 편집장 김용진 교수님 (yongjkim@sogang.ac.kr) / 차기 편집장 이재남 교수님 (isjnlee@korea.ac.kr)

KrAIS Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 3

Job Posting/Announcements

KAIST Tenure-Track Position

The College of Business at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) seeks applications for tenure-track faculty positions, effective August 2014. Positions are open at the ranks of assistant and associate professors. The requirements for these positions are as follows: (a) Ph.D. degree in information systems, communications, or media management; (b) an established publication record in top-tier academic journals commensurate with experience; and (c) evidence of teaching effectiveness (although not required, preference will be given to candidates with MBA teaching experience). Applicants for the rank of associate professor should have an outstanding record of research productivity and impact. KAIST College of Business is a graduate-only program, and the successful candidate will be expected to teach graduate-level courses in English. For new faculty members, the typical teaching load is one course per semester. While we will consider candidates with a wide range of interests, the ideal candidate would have an interest in teaching and conducting research in the following areas: green IT, business analytics, big data, network analytics, or security management.

문의 : 오원석 교수님 (wonseok.oh@kaist.ac.kr)

Hofstra University, Business Intelligence/Analytics Position

The Department of Information Technology and Quantitative Methods (IT/QM) of the Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University invites applications for two assistant professor positions in Information Technology. These are full-time, tenure-track positions beginning September 1, 2014. The Zarb School is AACSB accredited and the Dept. of IT/QM offers B.B.A., M.B.A, and M.S. programs in Information Technology and Business Analytics, and the M.B.A. in Quality Management.

Successful candidates will have a doctorate in Information Technology/Systems or Business Intelligence/Analytics. However, qualified ABDs within one year of completion of their doctoral work will also be considered. Teaching experience in the IT area as well as an indication of research potential are required. In addition to the ability to teach standard IT courses including database management systems, systems analysis and design, and networking, candidates should have the capability to teach in some of the following areas: advanced e-commerce technology, enterprise systems, social media, health care IT, management of IT, IT project management, advanced networking and business analytics. The IT/QM Department utilizes state-of-the art software and hardware in its instruction in two dedicated laboratories including IBM, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe, and Cisco technologies, among others. Professional IT experience is a definite plus.

문의 : 김학주 교수님 (Hak.J.Kim@hofstra.edu) -4-

KrAIS Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 3

KrAIS Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 3 지난 2013 년 하반기에 ISR, JMIS 와 IEEE Journal 에 출간된 KrAIS 회원 여러분들의

논문입니다. KrAIS 회원님들의 많은 인용 부탁드립니다!

    •  Young Bong Chang and Vijay Gurbaxani, "An Empirical Analysis of Technical Efficiency: The Role of IT Intensity and Competition," Information Systems Research, 2013 (24:3), pp. 561-578.
    •  Anindya Ghose, Avi Goldfarb, and Sang Pil Han, "How Is the Mobile Internet Different? Search Costs and Local Activities," Information Systems Research, 2013 (24:3), pp. 613- 631.
    •  Gwanhoo Lee, J. Alberto Espinosa, and William H. DeLone, “Task Environment Complexity, Software Process Capabilities, and Coordination in Global Software Development,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2013, (39:12).
    •  Jee-Hae Lim, Theophanis C. Stratopoulos, and Tony S. Wirjant, "Sustainability of a Firm's Reputation for Information Technology Capability: The Role of Senior IT Executives," Journal of Management Information Systems (30:1) 2013, pp. 57-96.
      • 뉴스레터에 실릴 소식을 보내주세요.
      • KrAIS 뉴스레터는 매년 3 회 발행 예정입니다. 다음 뉴스레터(2014 년 3 월 예정)에 실릴 좋은 소식을 방민석 (mpang2@gmu.edu)로 보내주시면 감사드리겠습니다. 좋은 소식은 나눌수록 커집니다. 또한 뉴스레터에 대한 제안 또는 조언도 환영합니다.