2013년 2호

Post date: 02-Jun-2014 09:05:36

KrAIS – Korean Chapter of Association for Information Systems Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2

2013 년 6 월 26 일 발행

이병태 (KAIST), 유영진 (Temple Univ.), Co-Chairs, 방민석 (George Mason Univ.), Newsletter Editor

승진/이동/신규임용 소식

    •  McGill University 의 한건수 교수님께서 종신직(tenure) 심사를 통과하시고 부교수(Associate Professor)로 승진하셨습니다. 또한 올 가을학기부터 KAIST 정보미디어대학원에서 올 가을학기부터 Visiting Professor 로 1 년간 근무하시게 되었습니다. 사모님이신 Concordia University 의 유지선 교수님께서도 종신직 부교수로 이번에 함께 승진하셨습니다. (kunsoo.han@mcgill.ca)
    •  University of Massachusetts, Boston 의 이원기 교수님께서 종신직(tenure) 심사를 통과하시고 부교수(Associate Professor)로 승진하셨습니다. (Daniel.Lee@umb.edu)
    •  University of Wisconsin, Green Bay 의 이영진 교수님께서 올 가을학기부터 University of Denver 에서 근무하시게 되었습니다. (leey@uwgb.edu)
    •  University of Texas, Dallas 의 곽영 박사님께서 University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration 에서 조교수 임용을 받으시고 올 가을학기부터 일하시게 되었습니다. (youngk082@utdallas.edu)
    •  University of Michigan 의 임상희 박사님께서 Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School 에서에서 조교수 임용을 받으시고 올 가을학기부터 일하시게 되었습니다. (sanghee@umich.edu)
    •  Xavier University 의 이철호 교수님께서 중국 Harbin Institute of Technology 에서 조교수 임용을 받으시고 올 가을학기부터 근무하시게 되었습니다. (leec1234@hotmail.com)
    •  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 의 강광욱 박사님께서 울산과학기술대(UNIST)에서 조교수 임용을 받으시고 올 가을학기부터 근무하시게 되었습니다. (iam07701@gmail.com)
    •  새로운 출발하시는 KrAIS 회원분들께 많은 축하와 성원 부탁드립니다.

KrAIS 회원 소식

 Brunel University 의 이하빈 교수님께서 유럽연합에서 지원하는 연구 펀드를 받으시게 되었습니다. (habin.lee@brunel.ac.uk)

o PolicyCompass, EU FP7 ICT call 10 - ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling, total budget 3.5 Million Euros (Brunel University, 600k Euros), 1 Oct 2013 - 30 Sep 2016.

o DAREED - Decision support Advisor for innovative business models and useR engagement for smart Energy Efficient Districts, EU FP7 SMATRTCITIES, total budget 4 Million Euros (Brunel University, 430k Euros), 1 September 2013 - 31 August 2016.

o MINI-CHIP: Minimising Carbon Footprint in Maritime Shipping, EU FP7 People - Industry Academia Pathway Programme, total budget 0.5 Million Euros (Brunel University, 300k Euros), 1 September 2013 - 31 August 2017.

 National Bureau of Economic Research 의 김희경 박사님께서 Sloan Foundation 에서 지원하는 연구 펀드를 받으시게 되었습니다. (hellenkim1@gmail.com)

o Sloan Foundation, "The Impact of Online Repositories on the Diffusion of Scholarly Ideas," Co-Investigator, $450,000 for 2 years

 University of New Brunswick, Saint John 의 김동민 교수님의 장녀 결혼식 소식입니다. (dongmin@unbsj.ca)

o Date and time: July 5th (Friday) from 4:00 pm

o Location: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church at Rothesay (31 Gondola

Point Road, Rothesay, NB, Canada, E2E 5K1) o Bride Name: Iris Minhea Kim

o Groom Name: Euiseok Kim

o Bride Parents: Dongmin Kim and Heasun Kim

Call for Paper/Participation

CfP Special Issue on "Smart Tourism: Convergence of Information Technologies, Experiences and Theories”

Electronic Markets: The International Journal on Network Business

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2013

Guest Editors

Ulrike Gretzel, Associate Professor of Institute for Innovation in Business and Social Research, The University of Wollongong, Australia

Marianna Sigala, Assistant Professor of the Department of Business

KrAIS Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 2

Administration, University of the Aegean, Greece

Chulmo Koo, Assistant Professor of College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Zheng Xiang, Assistant Professor of Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of North Texas, USA


The special issue’s particular interest lies on papers that focus on

1. “visit” experiences in smart tourism contexts,

2. IT-enabled tourism business models,

3. the role of IT in tourism product, devices, and process innovations, and

4. the extension of our knowledge about the adequacy of research methods and tourism and IS theories for future studies related to smart tourism.

Submission title and abstract directly sent to the Guest Editors via email (optional): June 30, 2013

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2013 http://www.electronicmarkets.org/call-for-paper/single-view-for- cfp/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=17&cHash=9c27cf4b043c746d34e8b6c964ec67c4

2013 AKMS Junior Faculty Consortium

The Association of Korean Management Scholars (AKMS) is pleased to announce the biennial Junior Faculty Consortium at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM). The junior faculty consortium (JFC) is intended for untenured faculty members to develop the skills needed to achieve their career objectives.

The main purpose of both meetings is to develop research networks and build an academic community among management scholars from the U.S., Korea, and other countries. Specifically, the JFC will focus on three areas:

a) how to develop your research for publication and how to navigate the review process;

b) how to develop strategies for impact and growth as an international scholar and teacher, and c) how to build a successful academic career in diverse settings.

The participants will have a chance to interact with and learn from a panel of senior management scholars and diverse peers through panel discussions and informal conversations. Second, the annual meeting will be hosted by AKMS executive members and invited panelists.

Event Details:

 Date / time / location: Sunday August 11, 2013 / 1:30 to 3:30 PM / WDW Swan Resort, Swan 6

    •  Who can register: Pre-tenure AKMS members who are currently teaching as faculty (or will start teaching in the Fall of 2013)
    •  How to register: Register online on the AKMS website at http://akmsweb.org/all- events/viewevent/17-2013-akms-junior-faculty-consortium
    •  You must be registered as a user on the AKMS web portal at http://akmsweb.org; User registration at akmsweb.org is free
    •  After you register and log in to the AKMS web portal, click on the above link or click on the "Events" button at the top of the page to see the link to the 2013 Junior Faculty Consortium event details page. Once on the event page, select "Attend" in the drop- down menu under "Your Response" to register for the junior faculty consortium.
    •  Registration fee: FREE for early registration, but US$ 50.00 for late or on-site registration
    •  Please register before July 19, 2013 to qualify for the free registration
      • - Organizer: Prof. Jungpil Hahn (National University of Singapore) - Panelists:
      • Prof. Sea Jin Chang (National University of Singapore & KAIST) Prof. Young Jin Yoo (Temple University)
      • Prof. Gwanhoo Lee (American University)
      • Prof. Seung-Hyun Lee (University of Texas at Dallas)
      • Prof. Hun Lee (George Mason University) Prof. Jisun Yu (Concordia University)
      • http://akmsweb.org/all-events/viewevent/17-2013-akms-junior-faculty-consortium
      • Job Posting/Announcements
      • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Information Systems Department, School of Computing National University of Singapore with Professor Jungpil Hahn (jungpil@nus.edu.sg)
      • A postdoctoral position is available immediately for a highly motivated individual with an interest in open innovation and software development processes. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable about software development processes, behavioral theories of organizations, have excellent communication skills, and have competency in basic programming, statistical analysis, and experimental design. Knowledge of computational modeling or agent-based simulations is desirable but not required. A Ph.D. in Information Systems, Management, Computer Science, or a related discipline is a requirement for the position.
      • Contact: Professor Jungpil Hahn (jungpil@nus.edu.sg)


San Diego State University 의 신봉식 교수님께서 영문교재 “The Principles of Data Communications and Network Security: Practice Orientation”를 출간하셨습니다. 신봉식 교수님(bshin@mail.sdsu.edu)께 연락하시면 Review copy 를 받으실 수 있습니다.

The Principles of Data Communications and Network Security: Practice Orientation Table of Contents






Ch.7 ETHERNET (IEEE 802.3)







지난 2013 년 상반기에 MS, ISR, MISQ, 및 JMIS 에 출간된 KrAIS 회원 여러분들의 논문입니다. 이철호 박사님의 ISR 논문은 지난 2011 년 상하이 KrAIS Workshop 에서 발표하신 논문이기도 합니다. KrAIS 회원님들의 많은 인용 부탁드립니다!

    •  Kunsoo Han and Sunil Mithas, "Information Technology Outsourcing and Non-IT Operating Costs: An Empirical Investigation," MIS Quarterly, 2013 (37:1), pp. 315-331.
    •  Gimun Kim, Bongsik Shin, and Ohbyung Kwon, "Investigating the Value of Sociomaterialism in Conceptualizing IT Capability of a Firm," Journal of Management Information Systems, 2013 (29:3), pp. 327-362.
    •  Lehman, D.W. and Jungpil Hahn, "Momentum and Organizational Risk Taking: Evidence from the National Football League," Management Science (59:4) 2013, pp. 852-868.
    •  Chul Ho Lee, Geng, X., and Raghunathan, S., "Contracting Information Security in the Presence of Double Moral Hazard," Information Systems Research (24:2) 2013, pp. 295- 311.
    •  Kun Shin Im, Grover, V., and Teng, T.C.T., "Do Large Firms Become Smaller by Using Information Technology?," Information Systems Research (24:2) 2013, pp. 470-491.

KrAIS Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 2

뉴스레터에 실릴 소식을 보내주세요.

KrAIS 뉴스레터는 매년 3 회 발행 예정입니다. 다음 뉴스레터(10 월 예정)에 실릴 좋은 소식을 방민석 (mpang2@gmu.edu)로 보내주시면 감사드리겠습니다. 좋은 소식은 나눌수록 커집니다. 또한 뉴스레터에 대한 제안 또는 조언도 환영합니다.