
This is the official website of Kotka medieval society, canton of Poukka. Poukka is part of the barony of Aarnimetsä, SCA Finland. We are part of the international Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The SCA has more than 30 000 members in eleven kingdoms on all continents and more than 200 members in Finland alone.

The canton of Poukka operates on the areas of Kotka, Pyhtää and Hamina. We research and reenact the time between years 600-1600 by making clothes and other handcrafts, cooking, archery, dancing, singing and so much more.

You are most welcome to come and join us!

There are three simple steps:

At first - Check which group is operating on your area. Do you live in the area of Poukka? Great, welcome! Do you live somewhere else? Check the website of SCA Finland and find the group close to you.

Next - Come to a meeting or an event. (See calendar) If you want to know more details first, please don't hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help. The easiest way to contact us is via email kastellaani(at)poukka(dot)org or by joining our facebook page.

Finally - Get to know people. The SCA is full of interesting people. Come join us and have fun!

All new members are warmly welcome! You can ask anything, there are no stupid questions. Every one of us has been new once and we remember how exciting and thrilling it can be. We tend to say that the SCA is not a hobby, but a way of life, Poukka is not a place, but a state of mind, and most importantly, Aarnimetsä is our home. It makes us so happy every time someone new finds home!