

function omegahat = wlp(signal,window, SNR)  %WLP  Find the Weighted Linear Predictor frequency estimates of  %     the signals in each column of signal. % %          omegahat = wlp( signal [,window[, SNR]] ) % %     where window is one of: %       'ckq'    the Clarkson-Kootsookos-Quinn estimator [1] %       'kay'    Kay's estimator [2] <------- (DEFAULT) %       'lovell' the Lovell-Williamson estimator [3] %       'lpr'    Lank-Reed-Pollon estimator [4] %     and SNR is the ratio of the sinusoid amplitude squared %     to the noise variance (i.e. NOT the usual SNR  %     definition). The SNR is only required for the 'ckq'  %     option. %     % [1]  V. Clarkson, P. J.  Kootsookos and B. G.  Quinn, %      ``Variance Analysis of Kay's Weighted Linear Predictor  %      Frequency Estimator,'' IEEE Transactions on Signal  %      Processing, Vol. 42, pp. 2370-2379, 1994.  % % [2] S. M.  Kay, `` A Fast and Accurate Single Frequency  %     Estimator,'' IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech  %     and Signal Processing, Vol. 37(12), pp. 1987-1989, %     1989.  % % [3]  B.C. Lovell and R.C. Williamson, %      "The Statistical Performance of Some Instantaneous %      Frequency Estimators," IEEE Trans. on Acoustics,  %      Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 1708-1723, %      1992. % % [4] G. W. Lank, I. S.  Reed and G. E.  Pollon,  %     `` A Semicoherent Detection Statistic and Doppler  %     Estimation Statistic,'' IEEE Transactions on  %     Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-9(2),  %     pp. 151-165, 1973.  % % $Id: wlp.m,v 1.4 1999/01/09 11:10:35 PeterK Exp PeterK $  % File: wlp.m % % Copyright (C) 1999 Peter J. Kootsookos %  % This software provided under the GNU General Public Licence, which % is available from the website from which this file originated. For % a copy, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,  % Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  %Type cast it to double. signal = double(signal);  %-------------------------------------------------------- % Error condition checks  [T,N] = size(signal);  if any([T N]==0)   error('wlp: zero size data not allowed.'); end;  if T==1    signal = signal(:);    [T,N] = size(signal); end;  if ~exist('window')   window = 'kay'; end;  % Need the analytic signal if isreal(signal)   signal = conj(hilbert(signal)); end;  T = T-1; t = [1:T-1]'; switch (window)   case 'ckq'     if ~exist('SNR')       SNR = 1;     end;     Theta = log(1 + SNR + sqrt(SNR^2 + SNR));     WN = ( sinh(T*Theta) - sinh(t*Theta) - sinh((T-t)*Theta) ) ... / ( (T-1)*sinh(T*Theta) - 2*sinh(T*Theta/2)*sinh((T-1)/2*Theta) / ... sinh(Theta/2));   case 'kay'     WN = (6*t.*(T-t));   case 'lovell'     WN = (6*t.*(T-t));     signal = signal./abs(signal);   case 'lrp'     WN = ones(T-1,1); end;  WN = WN*ones(1,N);  omegahat = angle(sum([ signal(1:T-1,:).*conj(signal(3:T+1,:)) ].*WN)) / 2;  % Author: Peter J. Kootsookos (kootsoop@ieee.org) % % Based on: P.J. Kootsookos, S.J. Searle and B.G. Quinn,  % "Frequency Estimation Algorithms," CRC for Robust and  % Adaptive Systems Internal Report, June 1993.  %