
% <PRE>

function M=genivect(k,NS,NL)


% M = genivect( k, NS, NL )     12/1/94 Eric Jacobsen


% Generates a length NS interpolating vector M for NS:NL interpolation.

% k is the index of the output in the interpolated length NL vector.

% See the MathCad file for the derivation.


% For MATLAB, sign of exp_j should be (-), for MATHCAD, (+).

% $Id: Genivect.m,v 1.1 1999/02/21 12:27:45 PeterK Exp PeterK $


for n = 0:(NS-1)

 for i = 0:(NS-1)

  M(n+1)=M(n+1)+exp(-j*2*pi*i*((k/NL)-(n/NS))); % Sign of exponent changes between MATLAB/MathCAD.




% </PRE>