

function omegahat = discperiod(signal)  %DISCPERIOD Find the discrete-frequency periodogram maximizer  %           frequency estimates of the signals in each column  %           of signal. % %          omegahat = discperiod(signal) % % $Id: discperiod.m,v 1.2 1999/01/09 11:10:35 PeterK Exp PeterK $  % File: discperiod.m % % Copyright (C) 1999 Peter J. Kootsookos %  % This software provided under the GNU General Public Licence, which % is available from the website from which this file originated. For % a copy, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,  % Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  %Type cast it to double. signal = double(signal);  %-------------------------------------------------------- % Error condition checks  [T,N] = size(signal);  if any([T N]==0)   error('discperiod: zero size data not allowed.'); end;  if T==1    signal = signal(:);    [T,N] = size(signal); end;  SS = abs(fft(signal,T));  [mx,ix] = max(SS);  omegahat = 2*pi*(ix-1)/T;  % Author: Peter J. Kootsookos (kootsoop@ieee.org) % % Based on: P.J. Kootsookos, S.J. Searle and B.G. Quinn,  % "Frequency Estimation Algorithms," CRC for Robust and  % Adaptive Systems Internal Report, June 1993. %