

function [est] = qnf(signal) % QNF - The Quinn - Fernandes frequency estimator. % %          Inputs:  signal - T x N matrix where %                            T = data length %                            N = number of signals %                            (i.e. N signals in columns). % %          Outputs: est - N Quinn-Fernandes frequency estimates. % % [1]  B.G. Quinn & J.M. Fernandes, "A fast technique for the estimation of frequency," %      Biometrika, Vol. 78(3), pp. 489--497, 1991.  % $Id: qnf.m 1.1 2000/06/07 18:57:16 PeterK Exp PeterK $  % File: qnf.m % % Copyright (C) 1993 CRC for Robust & Adaptive Systems %  % This software provided under the GNU General Public Licence, which % is available from the website from which this file originated. For % a copy, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,  % Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  % % Initializations % [t,ns]=size(signal); xb=mean(signal); signal=signal-ones(t,1)*xb; t3 = t+1; vrsn = version; if vrsn(1)=='3'   y=fft([signal; zeros(signal)]); else   y=fft([signal; zeros(size(signal))]); end  z=y.*conj(y); z=z(2:t3,:);  [m,j]=max(z(2:t-1,:));  j=j+1;  a=2*cos(pi*j/t); y=y(1:2:2*t,:);  % % Quinn-Fernandes method % b=[1]; nm=t-1; for jjj=1:2    for q = 1:ns     c=[1;-a(q);1];     y(:,q) = filter(b,c,signal(:,q));   end    v = sum(signal(2:t,:).*y(1:nm,:))./sum((y(1:nm,:).*y(1:nm,:)));   a = a+2*v; end  est=acos(a/2);  % Author: SJS 1992; Adapted from code within ttinpie.m (author PJK) % % Based on: P.J. Kootsookos, S.J. Searle and B.G. Quinn,  % "Frequency Estimation Algorithms," CRC for Robust and  % Adaptive Systems Internal Report, June 1993.  %