Website restrictions
Restrictions and Guidelines on content
Any content wanting to be published on the Website needs to adhere to the following guidelines
all content should be owned by you and by asking items to be published you are giving Kellshall Parish the implicit permission to publish freely on the website.
please do not plagiarise or copy content direct from elswhere on the internet. If you would like to publish content from somewhere else or written by a.n.other please include an email that gives permission to use the item(s) on our website along with your request to publish
we only have a limited space on the website so please ensure that the picture is not larger than 800x600 and less than 2M per picture.
if you notice a copyrighted picture or a picture used without implicit permission then please email and the item will be removed.
This is a site created primarily for the Parish Meeting and as such needs to conform to the local government policies and guidelines- - as such there will be no advertising allowed
only advertising of open-to-all village events and meetings will be permitted.