Welcome to our Village Parish Website
Welcome the Kelshall Parish website. Our website.
In order for the site to be useful and relevant it needs your ideas and content on a regular basis. So please send us news , details of any events, regular content and pictures so we can keep this website fresh and up-to date. You can send any content to the editor - either use the contact us form or send an email to KelshallParishSite@gmail.com. We will publish all we can subject to a few restrictions that can be viewed here.
The website is primarily set up to cover the parish meeting and meet its obligations under the local government Transparency Act. However we have widened the scope of the site to cover the larger definition of Parish.
There a 4 sections to the website
Parish Meeting covering minutes, agendas, accountabilities, planning applications and the Notice Board
Our Village, its facilities and its history
Our Village Hall, its facilities, who uses it, and how to book it
Our Village Church - St Faith's