A look back at 2017
This is the first year of the village website and I thought it would be a good opportunity at this time of the year to reflect on the activities in Kelshall during 2017.
In February, we had a village pop up pub held in the village hall which raised funds for the Village Hall Restoration fund. We also mentioned that the church would be locked whilst the installation of the toilet and kitchenette facilities continued through to the start of the Bat’s mating season. In March the North Hertfordshire Village Research Group held its Spring Meeting in the Village Hall.
In April the village was treated to a fantastic acrobatic display by a WW2 Spitfire flown by our very own John Hutchinson, who was making his last entry in his logbook. Over 60 people attended the Kelshall Village Quiz which raised over £900 for the village hall restoration fund.
With all the restoration work in the Church this year, the annual Big Clean in May was more intense than usual with many of the village turning out to assist. The Rogation walk was also well attended this year and allowed the new kitchen facilities to be used properly for the first time.
September was the month of the Sponsored Bike & Hike for the Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust which raised money for St Faith’s through sponsorship of villagers Biking and Hiking around local churches. September was also the month of the annual village golf day held this year at The Meridian Golf Club, Toft which was won this year by Colin Copeland. In November the Bishop of St Albans led a service at St Faiths, to dedicate the new facilities within the church, in particular Sarah Ellis's 3 stunning painted screens
December was a busy month as usual. A christmas Brunch was held at the Village hall with over 60 people enjoying brunch, which raised over £400 split between the village hall and St Faiths. Due to building works over at St Mary’s, the carol service was held at St Faiths as well as the Christingle Service –well attended with villagers from both Therfield and Kelshall as well as family and friends.
Kelshall has once again had a busy year and 2018 looks like being another good year – with the added benefit of another Royal Wedding thrown in
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