Venue: Graduate School Building (#3 in campus map), 8th Floor

January 16th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Tomohiro Ara, Fukushima University

Title: Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness and International Trade (joint with Taiji Furusawa)

December 19th (Thu), 17:00-19:00

Speaker: Mi Dai, Beijing Normal University

Title: Exports and Rural Economic Development: Micro-evidence from China

Speaker: Xu Jianwei, Beijing Normal University

Title: Two Sided Heterogeneity and Exchange Rate Pass Through

December 5th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Nobu Yamashita, RMIT/Keio University

Title: Long term effects of Agent Orange on health capital in Vietnam synopsis

November 7th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Masahiro Endo, Keio University

Title: Trade Effects on Job Changes through Job Creation and Destruction Responses

October 17th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Flora Bellone, University of Cote d'Azur/ KEO Keio University

Title: Local Product Space and Firm Level Churning in Exported Products

June 13th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Yoko Sakamoto, Meiji Gakuin University

Title: Patent Laws and Innovation Selection in the Global Firm

May 16th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Ayumu Ken Kikkawa, University of British Columbia

Title: Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade

May 9th (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Hiro Kasahara, University of British Columbia & Hitotsubashi

Title: Grain Exports and China's Great Famine, 1959-1961: County-Level Evidence

April 25th (Thu), 18:15-19:45

Speaker: Alexander Wagner, University of Zurich

Title: Conformism, innovation, and trade


Co-Host with Keio Economic Observatory