第1回 10 May, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 伊藤匡氏(アジア経済研究所), Title: "On the Variety of Mexico’s Export Goods", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第2回 24 May, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 田中清泰氏(アジア経済研究所), Title: "Heterogeneous Multinational Firms and Productivty Gains from Falling FDI Barriers", Venue: 南校舎4F446教室 (South School Building room 446)

第3回 21 Jun, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 乾友彦氏(日本大学経済学部教授), Title: "Exporter Dynamics and Information Spillovers through the Main Bank", Venue: 南校舎4F446教室 (South School Building room 446)

第4回 5 July, Thu, 18:10-19:45,

第一報告:早川和伸氏(ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所バンコク研究センター研究員), Title: "Impact of Diagonal Cumulation Rule on FTA Utilization: Evidence from Bilateral and Multilateral FTAs between Japan and Thailand", 南校舎4F446教室 (South School Building room 446)

第二報告:久野新氏(杏林大学総合政策学部専任講師), Title: "Farming Business Interests; How Compaigns Affect Frims's Position on Preferential Trade Agreements", Venue: 南校舎4F446教室 (South School Building room 446), (日本語での報告)Presentation will be in Japanese.

第5回 18 Oct, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 武智一貴氏(法政大学), Title: "The Price of Distance: Producer Heterogeneity, Pricing to Market, and Geographic Barriers",Venue: 南校舎4F443教室 (South School Building room 443)

第6回 1 Nov, Thu, 18:15-19:45, Nicola Coniglio氏 (Nicola ConiglioUniversity of Bari), Title: "Climate Variability and International Migration: what are the links?", Venue: 南校舎4F443教室 (South School Building room 443)

第7回 15 Nov, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 坪田建明氏(アジア経済研究), Title: "Agglomeration and directional imbalance of transport costs: the role of density economies", Venue: 南校舎4F443教室 (South School Building room 443)

第8回 6 Dec, Thu, 18:10-19:45, 明城聡氏(神戸大学), Title: "Assessing the Consequences of a Horizontal Merger and its Remedies in a Dynamic Environment", 産業研究所会議室 (Graduate School Building, Sanken Meeting room)

第9回 20 Dec, Thu, 18:10-19:45, 小阪みちる氏(上智大学), Title: "Product Variety, Firm Entry, and Terms of Trade Dynamics", 南校舎4F443教室 (South School Building room 443)

第10回 17 Jan, Thu, 18:10-19:45, 本田圭一郎氏(大阪大学), Title: "The effect of EU environmental regulation on international trade: Restriction of hazardous substance as a trade barrier", 南校舎4F443教室 (South School Building room 443)