January 17 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Junichi Yamazaki, Kobe University

Title: Empirical investigations of trade and investment based on Japanese historical data

(1) Railroads, Technology Adoption, and Modern Economic Development: Evidence from Japan

(2) Time Horizon of Government and Public Goods Investment: Evidence from Japan

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

December 20 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Ayako Obashi, Aoyama Gakuin University

Title: Impact of Regulatory Differences on International Trade

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

December 13 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Chin Hee Hahn, Gachon University and Gakushuin University

Title: Exporting Innovated Product Varieties and the Role of Domestic Market and Learning

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

November 15 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Kazunobu Hayakawa , IDE-JETRO

Title: New Measure of Trade Creation Effect in Regional Trade Agreements

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

November 1 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Hüseyin Öztürk , Central Bank of Turkey

Title: Quo Vadis, Raters? A Frontier Approach to Identify Misratings in Sovereign Credit Risk

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

June 7 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Akira Sasahara, University of Idaho

Title: The “China Shock”, Exports and U.S. Employment: A Global Input-Output Analysis

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

May 31 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Masafumi Tsubuku, Daito Bunka University

Title: The Politics of Tariff Cooperation in the Presence of Trade Costs

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

May 10 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology

Title: Trade Integration and the Fragility of Trade Relationships: Theory and Empirics

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)

April 26 (Thu), 17:00-18:30

Speaker: Toshiyuki Matsuura, Keio University

Title: Overseas Production Expansion and Domestic Transaction Network

Room: KEO Meeting Room (in front of elevator)