第1回 5月13日(木) 松浦寿幸氏 (慶應義塾大学 専任講師), Matsuura Toshiyuki(Keio University Assistant Professor) Title "Trade Liberalization and FDI Strategy in Heterogeneous Firms; Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data (with Kazunobu Hayakawa)", Venue: 東アジア研究所共同研究室1(Higashi Azia Conferece room)

第2回 5月27日(木) Daniel Bernhofen氏(Nottingham University, Professor), Title "A Ricardian factor content measure of the welfare effects from trade: evidence from Japan's opening up", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第3回 5月31日(月) 10時45分~12時15分 清田耕造氏(横浜国立大学国際社会科学研究科),Kozo Kiyota (Yokohama National University Associate Professor) Title "Productivity, Markup, Scale Economies, and the Business Cycle," Venue: 大学院校舎325B教室(Graduate School Building 325B)

第4回 6月17日(木) 水田岳志氏(東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科農業資源経済学博士課程)Mizuta Takeshi (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo), Title: "Protection for Sales in Japan", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第5回 6月24日(木) 村田安寧氏(日本大学総合科学研究科 准教授)Murata Yasusada (Nihon University), Title "Trade Wages, and Productivity (with Kristin Behrens, Giordano Mion, and Jens Suedekum)", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第6回 7月8日(木) 北野泰樹氏(政策研究大学院大学 助教授) Kitano Taiju (GRIPS Assistant Professor) Title: "Assessing the Pass-through Effect of U.S. Trade Remedy Investigations: Canadian Softwood Lumber (with Hiroshi Ohashi)", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第7回 8月17日(火) 17時~18時30分 瀧井貞行氏(東京国際大学 准教授), Takii Sadayuki (Tokyo Kokusai University, Associate Professor) Title: "Do FDI Spillovers Vary Among Home Economies?: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第8回 8月26日(木) 16時30分~18時 Hyun Hoon Lee氏 (Kangwon National University, Professor) Title: "APEC as de facto Integration: An Empirical Analysis", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第9回 14 Oct, Thu, 18:15-19:45 伊藤匡氏(沖縄大学、教授)Tadashi Ito (Okinawa University, Professor), Title:"Quality competition versus price competition goods: An empirical classification (with Richard Baldwin)", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第10回 28 Oct, Thu, 18:15-19:45, Robert Owen (University of Nantes), Title: "History, News, Assets and the Foundations of Evolutionary Economics: Generalizations from a Trade Theorem", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第11回 11 Nov, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 武智一貴(法政大学、准教授), Kazutaka Takechi (Hosei University, Associate Professor), Title: "Exaggerated Death of Distance: Revisiting Distance Effects on Regional Price Dispersions," (with Kano and Kano), Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第12回 25 Nov, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 神事直人(京都大学准教授), Jinji Naoto (Kyoto University, Associate Professor) "Does the Structure of Multinational Enterprises' Activity Affect Technology Spillovers?" (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna), Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第13回 9 Dec, Thu, 18:15-19:55, (2 papers, 50 mins each)

1st Presentation: 伊藤亜聖(慶應義塾大学経済学研究科), Ito Asei, Title: 「中国工業集積のTFP・ROA計測―2007年企業レベルデータに基づく新発見―」("Estimating TFP and ROA in industrial agglomeration in China: Evidence from Chinese firm-leve data in 2007")

2nd Presentation: 飯田智之(慶應義塾大学商学研究科), Iida Tomoyuki, Title: "The Difference of FDI Versus Export Decision in the Destination", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第14回 13 Jan, Thu, 18:15-19:45, 土居直史(東京大学大学院), Doi Naoshi (Graduate school of the UNiversity of Tokyo) Title: "Does Japanese Liquor Taste Different?: Empirical analysis on the national treatment under the WTO", Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)

第15回 3 Feb, Thu, 16:30-18:00, Richard Baldwin(Graduate Institute, Geneve), Title: "21st Century Regionalism", Venue: 大学院校舎1F, 313教室(Graduate School Building, 1F, Room 313)

第16回 1 Mar, Tue, 16:30-18:00, 早川和伸(アジア経済研究所), Hayakawa Kazunobu, Title: Export-Platform FDI and Firm Heterogeniety, Venue: 産業研究所会議室(Sanken Conferece room)