vim Commands

Using VIM

Using vim editor (+52 to go to line 52, +/text to go to line contain text)

# vim makefile


# vim +52 makefile


# vim +/getIPAdr ui_task.c

Load vim without plugin, "-N" prevent vi compatible mode)

# vim -u NONE -N

To password protect a vim file

vim -x file.txt

To check version and feature available


To explore files(Explore, Vexplore=Split new vertical window, Sexplore=Split new horizontal window)







:S  (Type i to toggle thin/long/wide/tree view)

To reload current file


To open all file in subfolder with *.am

:args ./subfolder/**/*.am

To change working directory to current file

:cd %:p:h

Or put below in .vimrc

:set autochdir

To create new blank file

ctrl + w then n



To list all vi option

:set all

To set indentation

:set tabstop=4

Fix line indentation


To make vi show line number

:set number


:set nu

To make vi hide line number

:set nonumber

To toggle line number

:set nu!

To toggle relative line number

:set relativenumber!

To insert line number in file

:%! nl -ba


:%!cat -n

To make vi show control character (tab show as ^I, enter show as $, space show as nothing)

:set list

To make vi hide control character

:set nolist


:set list!

To make vi show control character (tab show as », trailing space show as .)

:set listchars=tab:\»\ ,trail:.,extends:\>,precedes:\<


:set lcs=tab:\»\ ,trail:\.,extends:\>,precedes:\<

To make vi display cmd/edit mode at bottom

:set showmode

To off display cmd/edit mode at bottom

:set noshowmode


:set showmode!

Set encoding type (After launch vim, before open file)

:set encoding=utf-8

then open the file.

Reload file encoding type (After open file)

:e! ++enc=utf-8

Convert dos to unix

:w ++ff=unix


:set ff=unix

Delete dos character ^M


Delete blank line (^ mean start of line, \s* mean zero or more whitespace, $ mean end of line)


Copy all lines matching a pattern to register 'a'. qaq is a trick to clear register a (qa starts recording a macro to register a, then q stops recording, leaving a empty).

qaq:g/pattern/y A

Compress multiple occurrences of blank lines into a single blank line


To highlight the control character, just search for space, with hlsearch on

:set hlsearch



/asdf (just search anything else to clear highlight)

To off hlsearch



:set hls!

To decrease font  size

Ctrl + -

To increase font  size

Ctrl + +

To make vi display full path name beneath

1 then Ctrl + g (Or :f) 

To bookmark current line (mark with register a~z)


To go to line bookmark 'a' (register can be a~z)


To go to position bookmark 'a' (register can be a~z)


To list existing bookmark


To jump to next line bookmark (lowercase mark)


To jump to previous line bookmark (lowercase mark)


To jump to next position bookmark (lowercase mark)


To jump to previous position bookmark (lowercase mark)


To go to last edit line




To go to line 115


To list register's content


To set code fold

:set foldmethod=indent

To list all plugins, vimrcs loaded


To list all abbrev


To disable all abbrev

:set paste

To enter hex mode



:%!xxd -s 0x650 (offset to 0x650)


:%!hexdump -C

To exit hex mode

:%!xxd -r



To enter decimal mode (u1 = 1 byte in decimal, u2 = 2 bytes in decimal)

:%!od -t u1


:%!od -t u2

To toggle code fold (at cursor position)


To toggle code fold (whole file)


To close code fold


To open code fold


To start macro recording


Stop recording



@q (the first time)

@@ (after that)

20@@ (Repeat 20 times)

To create ctags, at bash shell (-R=recursive, -f=ctags filename)

$ ctags -R -f ~/test.ctags ~/Project/src/test

To set tags file

:set tags=~/test.ctags

:ta func = go to func definition

:ts = shows the list.

:tn = go to the next tag in that list.

:tp = go to the previous tag in that list.

:tf = go to the function which is in the first of the list.

:tl = go to the function which is in the last of the list.

To create cscope, at bash shell (-R=recursive, -q=generate inverted index file, -b=create database only, -k=kernel mode, not look in /usr/include)

$ cscope -Rqbk -f ~/test.cscope


$ cscope -Rb


$ find . -name '*.{c,h}' > ./cscope.files  (csh shell)

$ find . -name "*.c" -o -name "*.h" > ./cscope.files  (bash shell)

$ cscope -Rb

To set cscope file

:cscope add =~/test.cscope ~/Project/src

To resolve error reading cscope connection 0

:cs kill 0

:cs add cscope.out

:cs f g = find all global definition (Or Ctrl + \ g)

:cs f c = find function calling this function (Or Ctrl + \ c)

:cs f d = find function called by this function (Or Ctrl + \ d)

:cs f e = egrep (Or Ctrl + \ e)

:cs f f = open file (Or Ctrl + \ f)

:cs f s = find C symbol (Or Ctrl + \ s)

To find tags under cursor

Ctrl + ]



To return from tags jump

Ctrl + t



To return from point of departure

Ctrl + o

To return from point of departure (Reverse)

Ctrl + i

List changes


Cycle thru recent changes


List jumps

:jumps or :ju

Open cmd history window (Ctrl + c to exit)

:Ctrl + f



Search history window


To enter edit mode (o will add one blank line)


or i

or o

To enter command mode


or Ctrl + c

or Ctrl + [

To navigate

h = left

j = down

l = up

k = right

0 = Go to beginning of line

$ = Go to end of line

w = forward one word (or Ctrl + right)

b = backward one word (or Ctrl + left)

B = to beginning of white space delimited word

e = to end of word

E = to end of white space delimited word

:124 = Go to line 124 (Or 124G)

% = jump to matching #if, #else {}, (), [], /* */

Ctrl + b = page up

Ctrl + f = page down

H = high (top of screen)

M = mid (medium of screen)

L = low (bottom of screen)

gg = go to beginning of file(Or 1G) (Or [[) 

G = go to end of file(Or ]])

Ctrl + o = navi forward one old cursor position

Ctrl + i = navi backward one old cursor position

Ctrl + w then s = split the current window horizontally (Or :sp)

Ctrl + w then v = split the current window vertically (Or :vs)

Ctrl + w then c = close the current window

Switch two or more windows to vertically or horizontally

Ctrl + w then H = to vertically

:windo wincmd H = to vertically

Ctrl + w then K = to horizontally

:windo wincmd K = to horizontally

Ctrl + w then down = navigate to window below current window (Or Ctrl + w j)

Ctrl + w then up = navigate to window above current window (Or Ctrl + w k)

Ctrl + w then left = navigate to window left to current window

Ctrl + w then right = navigate to window right to current window

Ctrl + w then w = navigate to window above (wrap)

Ctrl + w then Ctrl + w = navigate to window below (wrap)

Ctrl + w then p = navigate to previous window

Ctrl + w then o = close other window except this (only)

Ctrl + w then < = make window wider

Ctrl + w then > = make window narrower

Ctrl + w then + = make window higher

Ctrl + w then - = make window lower

To have 30 more characters wide

:30winc >

To have 30 less characters wide

:30winc <

To have 4 more lines (window higher)

:set lines+=4

To have 4 less lines (window lower)

:set lines-=4

:vertical resize 150 = make window size 150 character wide

:resize +50 = make window horizontal size 50 character more

Ctrl + w then H = move window vertically split at right

Ctrl + w then L = move window vertically split at left

Ctrl + w then J = move window horizontally split at bottom

Ctrl + w then K = move window horizontally split at top

To open file

:e ../myFile.c = edit/open a file (Or edit in new filetab :tabe ../myFile.c)

:b myFile.c = to switch between filetab

:b <tab-key> = providing auto-completion (awesome !!)

:sp ../myFile.c = edit/open a file as horizontal split

:vsp ../myFile.c = edit/open a file as vertical split

:ls = to list buffer(filetab)

:3b = to switch to 3rd buffer(filetab)

:3sb = to switch to 3rd buffer(filetab) with split window

:3bd = to delete 3rd buffer(filetab)

:3bw = to wipe 3rd buffer(really freed memory)

:bw% = to wipe current buffer(really freed memory)

Ctrl + 6 = to toggle between now and previous buffer(filetab)

:%bd = to close all buffer

:bufdo bdelete = to close all buffer

:tabe <filename> = opens new file in filetab

:tabn = go to next filetab (Or Ctrl + pageup)

:tabp = go to previous filetab (Or Ctrl + pagedown)

:tabc = close current filetab

:tab sball = opens a new tab for each open buffer (Or :tab sba)

gt = go to next filetab

gT = go to previous filetab

`. = go back to previous modification spot

Buffer indicator

Indicators (chars in the same column are mutually exclusive):

u       an unlisted buffer (only displayed when [!] is used)


 %      the buffer in the current window

 #      the alternate buffer for ":e #" and CTRL-^

  a     an active buffer: it is loaded and visible

  h     a hidden buffer: It is loaded, but currently not

           displayed in a window |hidden-buffer|

   -    a buffer with 'modifiable' off

   =    a readonly buffer

    +   a modified buffer                      

    x   a buffer with read errors

To find string



?searchstring (search backward)

# = search the word under cursor, previous

* = search the word under cursor, next

To find next string


To find previous string


To find string and ignore case


To find string and match whole word, enclose with <>


To list find result with line number


To show lines matching word under cursor <cword>


Pull word under the cursor into a command line or search


To find string and list


To make case sensitive find

:set noignorecase or :set noic

To make case insensitive find

:set ignorecase or :set ic

To find string in open files

:bufdo vimgrepadd "searchstring" %

:copen or :cw

To find string in files

:grep -Hrn "searchstring" ~/Project/src

:copen or :cw

To select text, cut/copy,paste

(first plan the cursor at 1st location)

v = character selection

V = line selection

Ctrl + v = column mode selection

(then copy or cut)

y = copy the selection

d = cut the selection

(then paste)

p = paste selection after cursor

P = paste selection before cursor

(then find and replace)







(then sort, after visual line selection)


To sort current file, remove duplicate

:%!sort -u

To select word

viw = got to visual mode and select inner word

o = exchange cursor position in the highlight

To show the number of lines, words and bytes selected

g Ctrl-G

To indent a line visual block

V = Line selection mode

cursor up, down = Line selection

< = unindent

. = repeat the unindent

> = indent

>aB = indent a block

>iB = indent inner block

To copy/yank the current string

yw (Or inner word yiw)

To copy/yank the current line


To copy/yank the current line and next 5 lines




To paste/put


To enter visual mode (to highlight text for copy/yank, character selection)


To enter visual mode (line selection)


To enter visual mode (column mode, block selection)

Ctrl + v

To reselect last visual area


To insert character in column mode/block selection

Ctrl + v

Select the columns and rows where you want to enter your text

Shift + i = go into insert mode in column mode

Type in the text you want to enter. Don't be discouraged by the fact that only the first row is changed.

Esc = apply your change (or alternately Ctrl+c)

To delete character in column mode/block selection

Ctrl + v

Select the columns and rows where you want to enter your text

Shift + i = go into insert mode in column mode

x = delete

Esc = apply your change (or alternately Ctrl+c)

To comment/un-comment

Shift + v

Select the rows where you want to enter your text

:norm i// = add // in front, ":'<,'>norm i//" will appear at cmdline

gv = reselect previous selection

:norm xx = remove // in front, ":'<,'>norm xx" will appear at cmdline

To copy/yank the current line to register a


To paste/put from register a


To copy/yank selection and paste in other buffer

Shift + v (do line selection at current)

"ay  (copy to register "a", "a mean refer to register a)

"Ay (copy and Append to register "a")

:2b (switch to buffer no 2) (Or gt)

"ap (paste from register "a", "a mean refer to register a)

To paste/put at cmdline (retrieve default register 0)

Ctrl + r then 0 (from vi clipboard, i.e. after yiw cmd) (Or Ctrl + r then ")


Shift + Insert (from windows clipboard)


"*p (Register * is windows clipboard)

To paste/put current filename

Ctrl + r then % (in edit mode)

To paste/put current cursor word

Ctrl + r then Ctrl + w (in edit mode)

Deleting without updating the default register(" register )(black hole register "_" is the /dev/null of registers)

noremap x "_x

Paste in visual mode without updating the default register(" register)

vnoremap p "_dP

To know mapping key bounding

:verbose nmap <C-Right>

To delete selection


To delete a character


To delete current line


To undo last edit


To redo last edit

. (Or Ctrl + r)

To repeat command line command


To repeat normal/insert mode command


To call up auto completion

Ctrl + p


Ctrl + n

To call up calculator (in insert mode)

Ctrl + r then = Calculation result will be in the doc

or in command mode

:echo (2+3)*0xA

To convert hex to dec

:echo 0x123

To convert dec to hex

:echo printf('%x',56)

To find and replace whole file (%=entire file, or 1,$, gc = global and confirmation)









To find and replace whole word only, "findthis" with "replacethis" (Use "\<" and "\>" to enclose


To find and replace "Martin" with "Mr Martin" (Use "\(" and "\)" to enclose pattern and "\1" to refer)

:%s/^\(Martin\)/Mr \1/g

To trim blanks off at end of line

:%s/[ <tab>]*$//






:1,$s/[ <tab>]*$//

Clean both trailing spaces and DOS returns


Delete blocks of 3 empty lines


Reverse fields separated by :

:s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2 : \1/

Delete duplicate lines


Delete lines which appears twice


To operate selected line only, just select line"Shift + v" and type ":"

Shift + v


To open file under cursor

gf = open file in same window

Ctrl + w then f = open file in new window

To display ascii of current character under cursor


To display utf-8 of current character under cursor


To invert case of current character under cursor


To lowercase line


To uppercase line


To increment number (In cmd mode)

ctrl + a

To decrement number (In cmd mode)

ctrl + x

To fork another shell


To return from temporary shell

Ctrl + d

To run a shell cmd call "" in current directory


To issue cmd prompt command

:!ls -al

To read in date




To save


To save file as root user (tee to redirect w to %, i.e. is the file itself)

:w !sudo tee %

To save and quit vi


To save as

:sav newfile.txt

To quit vi and save if changes made


or :wq

or ZZ

To quit without save


or :q!

or :qall!

or ZQ

To use vimdiff

vimdiff file1 file2 (Or in vi with file1, :vert diffsplit file2)


vi -d file1 file2

To launch plugin DirDiff.vim and compare two folder

vim -c ':DirDiff /tmpfolder1 /tmp/folder2'

To diff with current file


To refresh diff


To diff within vim two file

:sp <filename>

:windo diffthis

To diff off


To ignore white space in vimdiff

:set diffopt+=iwhite


vim -c 'set diffopt+=iwhite' file1 file2

To revert ignore white space in vimdiff

:set diffopt-=iwhite

To go to previous diff (zz to centre window to current diff)

[c (Or [czz)

To go to next diff (zz to centre window to current diff)

]c (Or ]czz)

To get/obtain diff to current window

do (Or :diffget)

To put diff to other window

dp (Or :diffput)

To update diff window


To open fold


To close fold


To unfold all


To fold all


To invert fold


To save session

:mks (Default session file Session.vim)


:mks! (Overwrite)


:mks (or :mksession -f

To retrieve session

$ vim -S (Default session file Session.vim)


$ vim -S

or within vi

:source (or :so

To list current key mapping

:verbose map

To list current key F12 mapping

:verbose map <F12>


remap = recursive mapping

noremap = no recursive mapping

nnoremap = normal, no recursive mapping

vnoremap = visual, no recursive mapping

Mode letters

n : normal only

v : visual and select

o : operator-pending

x : visual only

s : select only

i : insert

c : command-line

l : insert, command-line, regexp-search (and others. Collectively called "Lang-Arg" pseudo-mode)

Disable PuTTY application keypad mode

Run PuTTY Configuration.

In the left pane, select Terminal, Features.

Put a check mark next to "Disable application keypad mode".

In the left pane, select Session.

Save the settings.


Sample .vimrc at home directory


let bg=dark

:colorscheme murphy

syntax on

set number

set numberwidth=5     "Set line numbering to take up 5 spaces

set tabstop=4         "Set tab character to 4 characters

set shiftwidth=4      "Indent width for autoindent

set cursorline        "Highlight current line

set autoread          "Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside

set hlsearch          "Set highlight search on

set dir=~/.vim-tmp    "Set swp file directory

set nobackup

set nowritebackup

set noswapfile

"Code folding settings

set foldmethod=marker   "fold based on marker

set foldmarker={,}      "fold marker is {,} instead of default {{{,}}}

set foldnestmax=10      "deepest fold is 10 levels

set nofoldenable        "don't fold by dault

set foldlevel=0         "this is just what i use

"Default encoding

set encoding=utf-8

set fileencoding=utf-8

"Custom template definition

:ab #s <TAB>switch(RemoteKeycode){<CR><TAB><TAB>case KEY_PLAY:<CR><TAB><TAB><TAB>//<CR><TAB><TAB><TAB>break;<CR><TAB><TAB>default:<CR><TAB><TAB><TAB>//<CR><TAB><TAB><TAB>break;<CR><TAB>}<CR>

:ab #i <TAB>if(IsComBusy() == TRUE){<CR><TAB><TAB>;<CR><TAB>}else<CR><TAB>if(IsMoveAckNG()){<CR><TAB><TAB>;<CR><TAB>}<CR><TAB>else{<CR><TAB><TAB>;<CR><TAB>}<CR>

:ab #p printf("%s %s() line%d m_value=0x%x \n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,m_value);

:ab #d // BugID 00000 AngKH <c-r>=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %I:%Mpm")<CR>

"For DirDiff

let g:DirDiffExcludes = "CVS,*.class,*.exe,.*.swp,*.o,.git,.deps,.svn,*.lsp,*.a,*.log"

"Keymapping, find in files

map <C-M-f> <ESC>:grep -Hrns <c-r>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:copen<CR><CR>

"Keymapping, find in files

map <F3> <ESC>/<c-r>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>

"Keymapping, previous diff

map <F7> <ESC>\[c<CR><Tab>

"Keymapping, next diff

map <F8> <ESC>\]c<CR><Tab>

"Keymapping, convert open files to filetabs

map <F9> <ESC>:tab sba<CR>

"Keymapping, show tag list on right hand side

map <F10> <ESC>:TlistToggle<CR><CR>

"Keymapping, find symbol/definition

map <F11> <ESC>:cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR><Tab>


map <Leader>. :call ClojureCommentUncomment()<CR>

function! ClojureCommentUncomment()

  let search_saved = @/

  if getline('.') =~ '^\/'

    s/^\/\///  " remove ';' at beginning of line


    s/^/\/\//  " insert ';' at beginning of line


  let @/ = search_saved
