Sublime Text

Install package

Ctrl + shift + p

Select word under cursor

Ctrl + d

Column Select

Right Mouse Button + Shift


Middle Mouse Button


Ctrl + Alt + Up

Select expansion

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Comment/Uncomment a block

Ctrl + /

Ctrl + Shift + /

Show console

Ctrl + `

Show function list

Ctrl + r

Switch window panes

ctrl + 1, ctrl + 2, ...

Display command run

At console (Ctrl + `), type :-


Jump to file from Find Results using keyboard

Shift + F4

Edit a remote file

Install "rsub" in sublime 3.

Ctrl + shift + p, choose "Package install", then search for "rsub".

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rmate

If you’re using Windows I’ll assume you use Putty as your SSH client.

Load your session and go to the Connection > SSH > Tunnels category.

Write 52698 as "Source port" and localhost:52698 as "Destination".

Change the radio buttons below so that "Remote" is selected and click "Add".

That’s it! You’re now ready to edit any remote text file locally.

Just execute rmate <file> and the file will be seamlessly transferred through SSH and opened in ST3 (be sure to have it open).

You can edit the file locally and each time you save it will be automatically transferred to the remote machine.

./Data/Packages/User/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap





