Arre Bhai Quiz

(Temporarily suspended - resumption will be announced on all channels)

20__ Arre Bhai Season

The current leader of the Arre Bhai session is ___ ____ (TBD)


*Arre Bhai is K-Circle's individual, aka "lone wolf", quiz. It is a throwback to the days when all KC quizzes were individual quizzes, and a way of recognising individual performers, who are at times obscured in team quizzing.

The winner of the Arre Bhai Junior (i.e., student) at each session wins a cash award instituted by Uday Prakash and family.

The winner of each season is given the Arre Bhai Award

The award, which has a citation and cash, has been instituted by K-Circle members JK and Ani, in memory of their father J. R. Rao.

Awarding of Points 

Arre Bhai Junior

The best student award for this season goes to ____ _____ (TBD)