KB3AWQ Repeater

DONATE via PayPal to John (KB3AWQ/W3AHS/WQGU515) 

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W3AHS Dot COM / KB3AWQ Dot COM  - Williamsport, PA Amateur Radio Repeater W3AHS 147.300 and KB3AWQ Repeaters 444.900, 29.660 and 53.050.

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Click Here to view an Older Copy of W3AHS Dot Com (Thanks to Verizon's changes to their websites I am unable to modify the pages, so I am rebuilding on Google websites)


W3AHS 147.300 + PL 151.4 Hz

is RF linked by a UHF radio and NHRC-5 Controller to

KB3AWQ 444.900 + PL 173.8 Hz

is linked by Allstarlink to

KB3AWQ 29.660 Repeater PL 173.8 Hz

is linked by Allstarlink to

KB3AWQ 53.050 Repeater PL 131.8 Hz

The PL tone is on both receive and transmit on all equipment, so feel free to program it in that way.

KB3AWQ-R Echolink Node # 277377  

To connect from Allstarlink, connect to Node 513963 which is the Hub as this accepts incoming connections for the system.  In Nov 2021 I was able to get a DMR bridge working on my Hamvoip setup with some help of N8PC and N4IRS.  The DMR ID is 3175335 but added a 01 to the end so it knows it classed as a hotspot.  Visit 317533501 Brandmeister.  I now have the DMR bridge on TGIF network.  You can access the system from TS2 TG29660 on TGIF.  

To listen to the live audio stream of 

the KB3AWQ System

No matter which frequency you talk in on, you will come out on the other transmitters

Williamsport, PA - Lycoming County - FN11lf58

Below you can add View and Add a signal report for 444.900

The 444.900 Repeater is two Kenwood TK-8180H Mobiles set to 50 watts using Wacom BPBR duplexers and a Diamond X-50A antenna with 1/2 inch hardline.


Visit W3AHS.com for other information of the system

  National Weather Service Radar

Coverage maps of the W3AHS Repeater

  Support of the hobby and this system.  Since inception in 2001 we have not had dues paying membership as the plan was to keep things going by donation since that's how it all began anyway. Donations are always welcome as there are some expenses as the site for the 6 meter and UHF repeater site is not free and of course neither is equipment to be fixed or upgraded. Contact KB3AWQ for more information.

News and Old News

12/11/15 - The 444.900 Repeater now has a Advanced Receiver Research P432VDG Preamp - working very well

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Bald Eagle Repeater Association


Last Updated 10/14/2020