KB3AWQ 6 Meters and 10 Meters FM 

From June 2020 to present, 444.900 repeater and 29.660 repeater (both 173.8 PL) and 53.050 Repeater PL 131.8 is connected to Allstar Node 513963 which are internet linked full time.  147.300 is RF linked in to 444.900 which is also part of the Echolink and Allstar mix.  

To listen to the live audio stream, click here.  Echolink is accessible via KB3AWQ-R node number 277377.  If you are on Allstarlink, use node 513963 to connect to the system, the other node numbers won't allow you to connect. The 6 and 10 meter transmit frequencies are located at another tower site 3 air miles east of the 440 and 6m receive on Armstrong Mountain just east of Route 15 which overlooks Montoursville and up and down the Williamsport valley pretty well as well to the south.  All four frequencies are linked together, so you may hear someone on 2 meters coming out on 10 meters FM.  Echolink node number 277377 (KB3AWQ-R)   is also part of the mix as well, so if you are out of range of the repeaters, you can connect to Echolink or Allstarlink.

The low band radio use for 6 meters is a modded Kenwood TK-6110-2 (FM only) and for 10 meters it is also a Kenwood TK-6110-1 (FM only).  The antenna is a DB-212 folded dipole fed with LMR-400.

The 10-meter receiver, has an ICE 411 band pass filter. The 6-meter receiver has a ICE-432 band pass filter  

I'd be interested in any signal reports, and you can email signals @ KB3AWQ.com with signal report as the subject or any other questions or comments.  You can also visit RepeaterBook for more information and to add a propagation report on the map.


To the Left, you will find audio clips of mostly band openings that have come over the repeater (mostly the 29.660 repeater).  The name files are saved by call sign date and time frame, so you're more than welcome to listen to them.  I started out sending emails to the stations I heard with the audio attached to the email if I could find their email on qrz.com, but this allows anyone to listen.  I will try to keep it updated.