*Team Formation


T- 1/2 season: help decide dates for team formation cut-off, team sizes, etc. Plan for captain's meeting to have teams ready right beforehand (i.e. make sure there aren't any vacations etc. that will get in the way)

T- 2 weeks: Monitor registration - decide how many teams we should have, notify captains committee so they can pick captains.

T- 1 week: Pester captain's committee for captains so you can make teams

T- 0.5 weeks: Make teams right before the captain's meeting (use team formation program - get most recent version from Nick). Bring teams up on the projector at the captain's meeting and make modifications based on captains desires.

T- 0: upload teams

T+ 1 week: watch the waitlist, make sure new players are getting added. Communicate with captains to decide where to put them