
Research paper summaries by year:

In prep/in review:

(bold = self; italics = supervised student/staff):

S. Haines, J. Hubbard (in prep). Stratigraphic and structural segmentation in the frontal Himalaya, and implications for great earthquakes.

M. Hamahashi, J. Hubbard, R. V. Almeida, S. H. Haines, L. A. Owen, S. Mishra, E. Latrubesse, S. N. Sapkota (in prep). Fluvial sedimentary response to late Quaternary climate and tectonics at the Himalayan Frontal Thrust, central Nepal.

R. P. Felix, J. Hubbard, K. E. Bradley, K. H. Lythgoe, A. D. Switzer, L. Li (in prep). Tsunami hazard in Lombok and Bali, Indonesia, due to the Flores thrust zone.

J. Yao, S. Wu, T. Li, X. Xiao, J. Hubbard, Y. Wang, Y. He, P. Tong (submitted 2021). Imaging the shallow shear-wave velocity structure of central Myanmar via joint inversion of body wave polarization and receiver function.


(bold = self; italics = supervised student/staff):

  1. R. Felix, J. Hubbard, J. D. P. Moore, A. D. Switzer (2021). The role of frontal thrusts in tsunami earthquake generation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,

  2. M. Riesner, L. Bollinger, J. Hubbard, C. Guérin, M. Lefèvre, A. Vallage, C. B. Shah, T. P. Kandel, S. Haines, S. N. Sapkota (2021). Localized extension in megathrust hanging wall following great earthquakes in western Nepal. Scientific Report 11 (21521).

  3. J. Hubbard and R. Mallick (2021). An overlooked hazard can cause damage weeks after an earthquake strikes. TK, Temblor,

  4. J. Hubbard (2021). Mixed earthquake signals in the South Sandwich Islands. TK, Temblor,

  5. R. Mallick, R. Bürgmann, K. M. Johnson, J. Hubbard (2021). A unified framework for earthquake sequences and the growth of geological structure in fold-thrust belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,

  6. P. Bürgi, J. Hubbard, S. H. Akhter, D. E. Peterson (2021). Geometry of the décollement below eastern Bangladesh and implications for seismic hazard. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (8),

  7. E. O. Lindsey, R. Mallick, J. Hubbard, K. E. Bradley, R. V. Almeida, J. D. P. Moore, R. Bürgmann, E. M. Hill (2021). Slip rate deficit and earthquake potential on shallow megathrusts. Nature Geoscience, 14, p. 321-326,

  8. S. Wu, J. Yao, S. Wei, J. Hubbard, Y. Wang, Y. M. M. Htwe, M. Thant, X. Wang, K. Wang, T. Liu, Q. Liu, P. Tong (2021). New insights into the structural heterogeneity and geodynamics of the Indo-Burma subduction zone from ambient noise tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 562, 116856,

  9. L. Dal Zilio, G. Hetényi, J. Hubbard, L. Bollinger (2021). Building the Himalaya from tectonic to earthquake scales. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-18.

  10. J. Yao, S. Liu, S. Wei, J. Hubbard, B. S. Huan, M. Chen, P. Tong (2021). Slab models beneath Central Myanmar revealed by a joint inversion of regional and teleseismic traveltime data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (2),

  11. R. Archarya, S. Khanal, S. P. Kandel, R. Dhakal, R. Almeida, J. Hubbard, S. N. Sapkota, L. P. Paudel (2020). Balanced cross-section across the Siwaliks of the Trijuga Valley, eastern Nepal. Journal of the Nepal Geological Society. 60, p. 51-58,

  12. R. Mallick, J. Hubbard, E. O. Lindsey, K. Bradley, J. D. P. Moore, A. Ahsan, A. K. M. K. Alam, E. M. Hill (2020). Subduction initiation and rise of the Shillong Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 543, 116351,

  13. Y. Liu, J. Hubbard, R. Almeida, A. Foster, L. Liberty, Y. S. Lee, S. N. Sapkota (2020). Refraction velocities constrain the shallow deformation around the Main Frontal Thrust in central Nepal. Tectonophysics, 777, 228366,

  14. S. Sathiakumar, S. Barbot, J. Hubbard (2020). Earthquake cycles in fault-bend folds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (8),

  15. K. Bradley, R. Mallick, H. Andikagumi, J. Hubbard, E. Meilianda, A. Switzer, N. Du, G. Brocard, D. Alfian, B. Benazir, G. Feng, S.-H. Yun, J. Majewski, S. Wei, E. M. Hill (2019). Earthquake-triggered 2018 Palu Valley landslides enabled by wet rice cultivation. Nature Geoscience 12, 935-939,

  16. S. Q. M. Ong, S. Barbot, J. Hubbard (2019). Physics-based scenario of earthquake cycles on the Ventura thrust system, California: The effect of variable friction and fault geometry. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176, 3993-4007,

  17. X. Wang, S. Wei, Y. Wang, P. Maung Maung, J. Hubbard, P. Banerjee, B.-S. Huang, K. M. Oo, T. Bodin, A. Foster, R. Almeida (2019). A 3-D shear wave velocity model for Myanmar region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (1), p. 504-526,

  18. R. Mallick, E. O. Lindsey, L. Feng, J. Hubbard, P. Banerjee, E. M. Hill (2019). Active convergence of the India-Burma-Sunda plates revealed by a new continuous GPS network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (3), p. 3155-3171,

  19. E. O. Lindsey, R. Almeida, J. Hubbard, K. Bradley, L. L. H. Tsang, R. Mallick, Y. Liu, R. Burgmann, E. M. Hill (2018). Structural control on downdip locking extent of the Himalayan megathrust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (6), p. 5265-5278,

  20. R. V. Almeida, J. Hubbard, L. Liberty, A. Foster, S. N. Sapkota (2018). Seismic imaging of the Main Frontal Thrust in Nepal reveals a shallow décollement and blind thrusting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (494), p. 216-225,

  21. R. Almeida, E. O. Lindsey, K. Bradley, J. Hubbard, R. Mallick, E. M. Hill (2018). Can the up-dip limit of frictional locking on megathrusts be detected geodetically? Quantifying the effect of stress shadows on near-trench coupling. Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), p. 4754-4763,

  22. Z. Li, P. Zhang, W. Zheng, D. Jia, J. Hubbard, R. Almeida, C. Sun, X. Shi, T. Li (2018). Oblique thrusting and strain partitioning in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), p. 4431-4453,

  23. Z. Li, J. Liu-Zeng, R. Almeida, J. Hubbard, C. Sun, G. Yi (2017). Re-evaluating seismic hazard along the southern Longmen Shan, China: Insights from the 1970 Day and 2013 Lushan earthquakes. Tectonophysics 717, p. 519-530,

  24. M. Riesner, P. Durand-Riard, J. Hubbard, A. Plesch, J. H. Shaw (2017). Building objective 3D fault representations in active tectonic settings. Seismological Research Letters 88 (3), p. 831-839,

  25. Q. Qiu, E. M. Hill, S. Barbot, J. Hubbard, W. Feng, E. O. Lindsey, L. Feng, K. Dai, S. V. Samsonov, P. Tapponnier (2016). The mechanism of partial rupture of a locked megathrust: The role of fault morphology. Geology 44 (10), p. 875-878,

  26. J. Hubbard, R. Almeida, A. Foster, S. Sapkota, P. Burgi, P. Tapponnier (2016). Structural segmentation controlled the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake rupture in Nepal. Geology 44 (8), p. 639-642,

  27. M. Wang, J. Hubbard, A. Plesch, J. H. Shaw, L. Wang (2016). Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure in the Sichuan basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121,

  28. L. J. McAuliffe, J. F. Dolan, E. J. Rhodes, J. Hubbard, J. H. Shaw, T. L. Pratt (2015). Paleoseismologic evidence for large-magnitude (Mw 7.5-8.0) earthquakes on the Ventura blind thrust fault: Implications for multifault ruptures in the Transverse Ranges of southern California. Geosphere 11 (5), p. 1629-1650,

  29. E. M. Hill, H. Yue, S. Barbot, J. Hubbard, T. Lay, I. Hermawan, P. Tapponnier, P. Banerjee, L. Feng, D. Natawidjaja, K. Sieh (2015). The 2012 Mw 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake: A cascade of great earthquakes generated by near-orthogonal, young, oceanic-mantle faults. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (5), p. 3723-3747,

  30. J. Hubbard, S. Barbot, E. M. Hill, P. Tapponnier (2015). Coseismic slip on shallow décollement megathrusts: Implications for seismic and tsunami hazard. Earth-Science Reviews 141, p. 45-55,

  31. M. Wang, D. Jia, J. H. Shaw, J. Hubbard, A. Plesch, Y. Li, Baojing Liu (2014). The 2013 Lushan earthquake: Implications for seismic hazards posed by the range front blind thrust in the Sichuan basin, China. Geology 42 (10), p. 915-918,

  32. J. Hubbard, J. H. Shaw, J. Dolan, T. L.Pratt, L. McAuliffe, and T. K. Rockwell (2014). Structure and seismic hazard of the Ventura Avenue anticline and Ventura fault, California: Prospect for large,multi-segment ruptures in the Western Transverse Ranges. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (3), p.1070-1087,

  33. Y. Li, D. Jia, A. Plesch, J. Hubbard, J. H. Shaw, M. Wang (2013). 3D geomechanical restoration and paleomagnetic analysis of fault-related folds: An example from the Yanjinggou anticline, southern Sichuan Basin. Journal of Structural Geology 54, p. 199-214,

  34. M. Wang, D. Jia, J. H. Shaw, J. Hubbard, A. Lin, Y. Li, L. Shen (2013). Active fault-related folding beneath an alluvial terrace in the southern Longmen Shan range front, Sichuan basin, China: Implications for seismic hazards. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103, p. 2369-2385,

  35. N. Dedontney, J. Hubbard (2012).Applying wedge theory to dynamic rupture modeling of fault junctions. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 102 (4), p. 1693-1711,

  36. J. Hubbard, J. H. Shaw, Y. Klinger (2010). Structural setting of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 100, p. 2713-2735,

  37. Y. Li, D. Jia, J. H. Shaw, J. Hubbard, A. Lin, M. Wang, L. Luo, H. Li, L.Wu (2010). Structural interpretation of the co-seismic faults of the Wenchuan earthquake: 3D modeling of the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B4),

  38. J. Hubbard and J. H. Shaw (2009). Uplift of the Longmen Shan and Tibetan plateau, and the 2008 Wenchuan (M=7.9) earthquake. Nature 458, p. 194-197,

  39. X. W. Xu, X. Z. Wen, G. H. Yu, G. H. Chen, Y. Klinger, J. Hubbard, and J. Shaw (2009). Coseismic reverse- and oblique-slip surface faulting generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Geology 37 (6), p. 515-518,

  40. K. Bold, C. Edwards, J. Guckenheimer, S. Guharay, K. Hoffman, J. Hubbard, R. Oliva, and W. Weckesser (2003). The Forced van der Pol Equation II: Canards in the Reduced System. Siam J. Applied Dynamical Systems 2, p. 570-608,