Children's books

Check out my children's book series, In Depth Science! These books are available on in paperback and ebook format. They have also been translated into Korean.

The goal of the In Depth Science series is to make college-level science accessible to children as young as eight years old. Kids are natural scientists. This series allows kids to explore their interests and understand the natural processes going on all around them.

All of this is real science, written at a level that kids can read and understand, and supplemented with illustrations and photographs to make the science more vivid. At the end of each book you will find a self-quiz to test your new knowledge, additional activities that build on the science, and a glossary for the scientific terms used in the book.

Earth was once a frozen snowball. And before that, a sea of lava. The Sun. Volcanoes. Glaciers. Meteor impacts. They've all played their part. The planet has changed. How do we know?

Without humans, the Earth would cool. Massive sheets of ice would creep down from Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia. Sea levels would drop. Crops would fail.

Instead, the Earth is warming. This will change how humans live. In some places, there will be storms. In others, droughts. Sea levels won't drop, they'll rise, flooding coastal cities. Corals will die, and with them, the fish and sea life that depend on them. What else will change? How can we stop it?

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Earthquake Science
5 star review from Readers' Favorite!

Slowly, the tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust are moving. Somewhere deep beneath your feet, the rock inside the Earth are squeezing. Someday those rocks might suddenly break and slip, sending waves of energy through the Earth, shaking the ground, and knocking over buildings. Scientists and engineers work together to figure out which areas are at risk of earthquakes, to build buildings that will not fall down, and to design special warning systems. If you understand how earthquakes work, you can be prepared, too.

What do ancient reptile fossils have to do with radioactive atoms deep inside Earth's mantle? What causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? Why are there strange creatures living deep beneath the ocean surface, where hot water and chemicals spew out of cracks in the ocean floor? Over the last century, scientists have discovered how heat generated deep inside the Earth drives movements of the mantle and crust - and how in our Solar System, this process is almost unique to our home planet.

Have you ever thought about what the world would be like without mountains? Mountains aren't just a fun place to visit - they change the weather patterns and long-term climate, and even affect how species evolve. This book tells the story of how mountains grow and erode, how the oldest species on Earth relies on mountains, and how the rise of the Himalaya may have cooled Earth's climate.

Have you ever seen a diamond? Have you ever wondered where it came from? The story of how diamonds form will take you on a tour of the Earth. You will zoom in to the atomic scale to see how atoms bond, dive into the Earth's mantle to explore how temperature and pressure change, and get carried back up to the surface in a special volcanic eruption.

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