

1860s Costume

1950s Western Clogging Costume

Jubilee Costumes - Men

Jubilee Costumes - Women — Document with photos and descriptions of all women's costumes.

Costume Guidelines and Care — By Diana Greenleaf.

Organizational Documents

About BACDS Liability Insurance Coverage

About Jubilee — Latest version (7/2019) of a two-page info sheet for prospective members; includes Member Responsibilities.  


Ashkenaz Lockup Duties  (go to new web site)

BACDS W-9.pdf

Jubilee Dance Videos Online — An inventory - by dance, event, URL, etc., of all videos posted online. If you post a video, please update this list.  

Jubilee Documents Offline — A list of Jubilee's documents that are not viewable from the Members Area to preserve confidentiality. 

Jubilee Email Group Memberships

Needed for Jubilee Tours — A checklist of things the Company needs on tour.   

Prospective New Members — The sign-up sheet from 9/15/2014 Open House; can be used for subsequent Open Houses also. 

Stage Information — A list of stages we've performed on, and their dimensions. 

Stage Manager Guidelines — Notes from past tours regarding responsibilities of tour stage manager.

DVD Collection

Evidence of coverage 2019.pdf — Our liability insurance coverage provided by BACDS

How to Add a New Member — Detailed instructions on adding people to the email list(s) and other things to do with new members.

How to send to BACDS email list

Dancers' Group invite sent Sept 2014 — Email sent to announce open audition on 9/15/2014; also contact info for Dancers' Group organization.

Diana's Notes on 2014 Clothing Sale — Lessons learned and suggestions for future fund-raising events. 

IRS-auth-BACDS-nonprofit.pdf — IRS certification of non-profit status of BACDS/Jubilee 

Jubilee at the Marin County Fair — List of dances performed by year, with video links

Festival & Performance Opportunities

2017 Summer CIOFF Festivals — Now includes a tab for "2019 Fests" listing festivals from May through August 20, 2019

Alnwick Festival website

Billingham Folk Festival website

CIOFF Festival Calendar

IOV Festival Calendar — A really hard to use list of their festivals

Jubilee Senior Living Center Contacts

List of UK Folk Festivals — As of 11/5/2017 was not updated for 2018

Zakopane Festival website