Jubilee American Dance Theatre

Open Call for Folk Dancers!

 February 3rd and March 10th, 2025

7:30 - 8:30 pm

Ashkenaz Dance Center, 1317 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley 

Jubilee is looking for people who love to dance. We have performed at over a dozen international folk dance festivals, many San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festivals and at schools and community events around the Bay Area. We perform a wide range of traditional American folk dance - from Appalachian clogging, to Swing, square dancing, polka, waltz, Cajun dance, and many others. Prior experience in other dance forms is helpful, but not required.  Come to one of these sessions where we'll teach some of our dances in a casual environment - wear comfortable clothing and any type of dance shoes or sneakers. Email thebeckydance@yahoo.com if you're coming or have questions. 

Jubilee American Dance Theatre is a unique performance ensemble, bringing to life the dances, music, songs, and stories of the folks who made America. 

From Appalachia to Swing Era dance halls to Cajun Country, America's immigrants and more, Jubilee transports you to another time and place, through its rich weaving of stories, songs, dance, and music. Jubilee's work is all set in context with period costumes and props. The costume staff goes to great lengths to research and reproduce authentic costumes of each era. Likewise, the choral and music directors recreate regional and historical musical styles.  

See Repertoire, About Us, and Photos + Videos.

Jubilee has performed in the San Francisco Bay Area at a variety of venues, including:

Jubilee has also performed at International Dance and Music Festivals, representing the USA at public, educational, and official events, including:

*Indicates a CIOFF festival (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts)  

If you're a potential member of Jubilee, or if you might present Jubilee dancers, musicians, and singers in a customized performance, see About Us

If you're on Facebook, please like Jubilee                                                        

Jubilee operates under the auspices of the Bay Area Country Dance Society (BACDS), a non-profit charitable §501(c)(3) organization. To find out more about BACDS, click here to view the latest quarterly BACDS Newsletter and Event Listing.