Lectures & Presentations
[Last updated December 2010]
Panel Discussant: "Microfinance and Higher Education." February 10, 2010.
MPA Orientation (SPEA Atrium): "Why We Need Economics to Make Public Policy: An Introduction on How To Not Kill People." August 25, 2009.
SPEA Spring Experience Day (SPEA Atrium): "Crowd Wisdom: A Better Kind of Group Think." April 3, 2009.
Undergraduate Speaker Series (Beloit College): "Using Housing Prices to Understand Public Policy." October 24, 2008
Southern Economic Association: "Institutional Determinants of Property Assessment Regressivity." November 22, 2010.
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis: "Municipality-School Border Congruency and the Coordination of Inputs to Education: Evidence from Ohio School Public Financing and Class Size." November 2, 2010. (Slides)
Association for Budgeting and Financial Management: "Do Anticipated State Tax Amnesties Induce Strategic Tax Planning? Evidence from Eligibility Period Restrictions." October 7, 2010. (Slides)
v691 (IU - Memorial Union): "Municipality-School Border Congruency and the Coordination of Inputs to Education: Evidence from Ohio School Public Financing and Class Size." September 24, 2010. (Slides)
Southern Economic Association: "Is There Crowd Wisdom in the Judgment of Experts? Evidence from College Football Rankings." November 22, 2009
v691 (IU - Memorial Union): "Is There Crowd Wisdom in the Judgment of Experts? Evidence from College Football Rankings." February 20, 2009.
v691 (IU - Memorial Union):"Are Community Arrangements with NIMBYs Undermined by School Finance Reform? Evidence from Nuclear Power Plants." October 31, 2008.
2008 SRSA & SEA Meetings: "Does Congruence of City and School District Boundaries Matter? A Spatial Hedonic Analysis."