"Review: Britain and the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy, 1964-1970 by David Gill", Canadian Military History, (Vol. 27, No. 1) 2018.
"Review: British Nuclear Culture - Official and Unofficial Narratives in the Long 20th Century by Jonathan Hogg", History: Review of New Books, (Vol. 45, No. 5) 2017.
"Teaching Teaching to (future) Teachers", Centre for Teaching Excellence Blog, 2016.
Recently completed:
My dissertation looks to situate itself within the larger historiography of Cold War British culture by examining economic decline and the rise of conservatism, connecting them to post-War commitments to nuclear deterrence over survivability. I explore the citizen/government dialogues, the veracity of anti-nuclear survival programs, and the resulting cultural reverberations.
My goal is to further develop my dissertation into a scholarly monograph, and it is currently in review for publication. Two chapters were removed from my dissertation which I am expanding into a second monograph. The chapters focus on the political/cultural war between an amalgamation of the British Left and Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Government, and explains how the emotional battle led to the abolishment of the Greater London Council in 1986.
I also have several draft articles for publication prepared as well as outlines for further articles. Topics include: A project on British culture and the preoccupation with civil defence following the bombings of the First World War, The over-association of Conservatism and Neo-liberalism in 1980s Britain, and The academic/medical community and their involvement in civil defence planning in Great Britain.
My work as a researcher was graciously acknowledged In:
We Are All Digital Now: Digital Photography and the Reshaping of Historical Practice
by Ian Milligan (Canadian Historical Review, 2021)
Sexual Politics: Sexuality, Family Planning, and the British Left from the 1880s to the Present Day
by Stephen Brooke (Oxford, 2011)