
With Dr. Guoyao Wu, Distinguished Professor, Animal Nutrition, Texas A&M University, fall 2009

With Dr. Jörg M. Steiner from Texas A&M University, somewhere in Costa Rica, GutSea something

With friends and colleagues from 7 countries, Bryan, Texas, sometime between 2006 and 2011

Having fun somewhere in LatinAmerica, GutSea something

At USDA facilities close to Texas A&M University

With Dr. Barney, Dr. Longnecker and Dr. Speed from the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University

Blessed by two Korean beauties in Seoul, South Korea, ISME15, August 2014

Visiting my advisor Dr. Jan S. Suchodolski at Texas A&M University. Forgot to wear a belt that day.

With Prof. Rob Knight, ISME16 Montreal, Canada, August 2016

With Prof. Gary Adams, June 2018

With Prof. Garry Adams Senior Professor at Texas A&M University, June 2018

With my advisor at the ACVIM Forum 2012 in New Orleans

With Prof. Richard Lenski, who started and continues to work with the famous E. coli long-term evolution experiment. ISME16 Montreal, Canada

With Prof. T.G. Nagaraja and other colleagues in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, October 2017

A beautiful church in Cork, Ireland. I took this picture in 2012 while attending the ISAPP meeting

With Dr. Remes Troche at the Semana Nacional de Gastroenterologia, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, November 2018

I took this picture while attending ISME17 in Leipzig, Germany. August 2018

With Dr. Sue Ishaq from Maine University. Matacanes Canyon, Santiago, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. October 2019

With Dr. Pepe Salinas, former Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the UANL. Foro Bovicarne, Cintermex, Mty, Mexico. November, 2019

With Dr. Jorge Kawas, celebrating christmas in Juarez, Nuevo Leon. December 2019

A couple of weeks before the COVID-19 hit Mexico, I hit my head while playing soccer. Above: march 11 2020, below left: 24 h after, below right: 48 h after.

One of a very few pictures of my years as a student of Veterinary Medicine, sometime between 2000 and 2005.

With Sripad Adoksaya Prabhu at Hare Krishna, Barrio Antiguo, Monterrey, Mexico. March 3rd, 2021.

Excited with the program of organic residues at El Rincón de Farolillo. December 2021.

Sábado 31 de diciembre de 2022, acompañando a Fer Villatoro en el último día de su gran hazaña.