Courses, Workshops & Teaching

Microbioma y eficiencia alimenticia en ganado de carne

5 de Octubre de 2022. Teatro Universitario, UANL.

El objetivo de esta charla fue informar a la audiencia acerca del microbioma gastrointestinal y su relación con eficiencia alimenticia.

I am always interested in helping spread critical thinking, scientific knowledge and intellectual nutrition, so please do not hesitate if you feel I can be of any help.

El ABC del microbioma y el equilibrio de la salud en gatos y perros

27 de Agosto de 2020. Por invitación del Dr. Jesús Villalobos del Hospital Veterinario del Valle.


22 de Julio de 2020. MNA de México.


29 de Junio de 2020. MNA de México.

Events organized by us


*Probióticos en Nutrición Animal*

MNA de México

Junio 29, 2020 - 3:45 a 5:30 pm.

*¿Como entender a la microbiota?*

Plática virtual para residentes de neurogastroenterología de Veracruz y la Ciudad de México (invitación por Dr. José María Remes Troche).

June 24, 2020 - 8:00 pm a 8:45 pm.

*Microorganismos y Nutrición Animal*

MNA de México

February 7th, 2020 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

This short workshop aimed to provide a general overview about the use and applications of microorganisms in Animal Nutrition.


Feed efficiency, genetics and the gut microbiome

(link to presentation)

Simposio UANL Engorda de Bovinos en Corral

XXI Simposio UANL. Octubre 3, 2018


*Análisis metagenómico de Ecosistemas Microbianos*

MNA de México

April 20th, 2018 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This introductory overview was offered to a graduate student from the UANL with an interest in the skin microbiome in veterinary animal species

*Análisis Estadísticos usando SAS University Edition*

MNA de México

April 6th, 2018 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This introductory course was offered to introduce the participant into the use and applications of SAS University Edition


*Microbiomas en la clínica: huecos y oportunidades*

Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico.

July 4th, 2017 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

This talk was offered together with Dr. Remes Troche in an effort to update clinicians, students and Faculty members about the role of the microbiome in health and disease


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL

June 1-3 2016 - 9:00 am-4:00 pm (20 hours total)

Our research group Medical EcoBiology offered an introductory course about SAS University Edition to students and Faculty members


*Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities*

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL

October 15-16, 2015

We are very excited on this great course unique throughout Mexico. The International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) has posted this event in their website. Please let me know if I can be of any help! This event was made possible through a collaboration with Joel Rivera from Python Monterrey thanks Joel!

*Excel in Veterinary Medicine of the XXI century: Basics and not so basics*

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL, General Escobedo, Nuevo Leon, México

May 8, 2015

The objective of this course was to provide veterinary students with tools about some of the basic usage of Excel. I conceived, coordinated, organized, and delivered most lectures. Several members of the group Medical EcoBiology also participated as speakers.


*Bioinformatics and Genetics: Concepts and Applications*

School of Physical and Mathematics, UANL

December 4-5, 2014

I conceived, helped coordinate and organize, and delivered all lectures

*Use and Application of Phylogenetic Analyses*

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL

February 5-7, 2014

I coordinated and delivered half the lectures. We received 22 participants again from the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango and the Faculty of Biology from my university. This year was special though, as we were able to bring Dr. Pablo Vinuesa, who is a leading researcher in the field of molecular phylogenetics and bioinformatics in Mexico. Many thanks Pablo for your time and presentations!


*Use and Applications of Phylogenetic Analyses*

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL

February 6-8, 2013

I conceived, coordinated, and delivered most lectures. We received 22 participants from various research Institutes of Mexico. I am proud to acknowledge that Lluvia Vargas ( decided to start using QIIME for her own research after taking this course. Good for you Lluvia!

*Molecular identification of species*

Faculty of Biological Sciences, Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango

August 9th, 2013

I was invited to lecture on bioinformatics, databases, molecular phylogeny, the gastrointestinal microbiota, as well as practice (alignments, databases and sequence analysis)


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UANL

April 27th, 2016

Our research group Medical EcoBiology hosted a chat with people with MultiION from Mexico City about MatLab

Training in Education

*Diplomado en Gestión de la Innovación*

Julio-Agosto 2018.

Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

*Diplomado de Formacion Basica de Tutores*

total: 150 hours on tutorship


*21st century schools workshop*

*Diplomado Basico en Docencia Universitaria*

(nine-day course on University Teaching)


*Taller de planeacion aulica*

(30 hours of class planning and University Teaching)


Other training

Workshop on Statistical Genetics

16-18 September, 2019

CIMAT, Monterrey, NL, Mexico

PROC SQL programming: The Basics and Beyond

SCSUG Educational Forum 2012

JMP Basics you can use: Exploring the world of data discovery

SCSUG Educational Forum 2011

IRB Biomed Basic Course

Passed 26-Jan-2010

IRB Bio_Refresher

Passed 01-Nov-2011

IRB Bio_Refresher

Passed 28-May-2019

Group 1. Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel

Passed 28-May-2019

Courses taken at Texas A&M University

Statistics in Research I, II and III

Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University

Methods of Biochemical Analysis

Department of Biochemistry and Biology, Texas A&M University

Nutritional Biochemistry I with Distinguished Professor Guoyao Wu

Department of Nutrition, Texas A&M University

Optical Microscopy with Dr. Robert Burghardt

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University

Scientific Ethics

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University

Microbial Genetics with Dr. Michael Manson

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University


For all my students in the fall semester 2013

For all my students in the spring semester 2014

For all my students in the fall semester 2014

For all my students in the spring semester 2015

For all my students in the fall semester 2015

For all my students in the spring semester 2016

For all graduate students in the spring semester 2016

For all my students in the fall semester 2016


There have been a group of people that I have had the privilege of serving as a mentor, in one way or another.

Nallely Renata Guerra Fuentes. Medico Veterinario Zootecnista in the School of Veterinary Medicine. Defense: July 22nd, 2021. UANL (Principal advisor: Dra. Alicia Marroquin).

July Stephany Gámez Valdez. Master in Science in the School of Engineering and Sciences, with a focus on Biotechnology. Defense: June 15th, 2020. Tecnologico de Monterrey (Principal advisor: Dr. Cuauhtemoc Licona).

Pepe Walls. Pepe was never my student per se, but we published together three papers (2 in 2016, and one more in 2017) before he left to Europe (Uppsala University in Sweden) to pursue a degree in Molecular Medicine (August 2017 to June 2019).

Antonio Joel Ruiz Uribe (doctoral student). I first got in contact with Antonio by the end of 2014 and he was interested in researching different aspects of propolis. However, at some point Antonio decided not to finish his doctoral work.

Cecilia Alanis-Lopez (master student). Cecilia graduated on November 24th, 2015. Her thesis was related with a descriptive analysis of fecal microbiota of three domestic birds using high-throughput sequencing in a context of human health and coevolution of gut microorganisms. Cecilia is currently a member of the staff in a private veterinary hospital, with a focus on birds.

Jose Pablo Gomez (undergraduate student). Jose Pablo graduated on October 2015. His thesis was related with the analysis of predictive metabolic profiles using 16S rRNA gene sequences from fecal microbiota of pet birds. Jose Pablo is currently pursuing a graduate degree in the Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance at UCDavis.