
Address: http://www.opb.org/

Description: The Oregon Public Broadcasting site is a multi-media rich website providing full-length videos, podcasts, blogs, forums, and transcripts of shows pertaining to international, national, regional, and local issues. Adult English language learners will find the podcasts particularly useful as they can download them and listen to them repeatedly on their mp3 players. Many such students find the “Think Out Loud” program quite useful because it not only has discussions for them to listen to on a wide range of issues, but the forums provide an ongoing discussion in which they can take part.

Authorship: OPB

Publishing Body: OPB

Point of View or Bias: None

Referral to Other Sources: Lots of links.

Verifiability: Links to expert contributor websites.

Currency: Updated daily.

Accessibility: WAVE (http://wave.webaim.org/) reports 34 accessibility errors. There are many instances of hidden content, problematic link text, missing labels, missing alt text links, and inaccessible event handlers.

Creative Commons License

- cc 2009 Jonan Donaldson

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.