
Website Assessment Tools

I carefully investigated the following website assessment tools after a preliminary cursory investigation of about forty tools, starting with the list provided by Google:

I narrowed down my selection to the pages Evaluating Web Pages by UC Berkeley Library (, Evaluating Information Found on the Internet by The Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University (, Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages by Cornell University Library (, and Evaluating Web Pages by Duke University Libraries ( I selected these because of the reputation of the educational institution and the ease of use.

The tool I will be using today is the one from Johns Hopkins because it covers the widest range of criteria, while also keeping the number of criteria to a minimum:

Authorship: Is the author a trusted source?

Publishing Body: Is the publisher a respected organization or individual?

Point of View or Bias: Does the author have an agenda?

Referral to Other Sources: Are there attributions, a bibliography, or relevant links?

Verifiability: Does the source link to published sources?

Currency: Is this information up-to-date?

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- cc 2009 Jonan Donaldson

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