Residential Conveyancing Charges

Although unfortunately we cannot give you details of search fees accurately as they vary from area to area, as do Land Registry fees, depending on the price of the property and Land Transaction Tax or Stamp Duty Land Tax, depending on the price of the property and your particular circumstances.

We apologise it is very complicated especially on a purchase, due to all the variables, but hope you will be able to plough through it to find the information you want.

If it all gets too much, or you would just rather a personalised quote, tailored to your transaction and circumstances, just give Helen a ring on 01267 235819, e-mail her at or call in to see her at our offices at 3 Queen Street, Carmarthen and she will be delighted to give you a quote.

Well, here goes!!!!!!!! 

If you start to go to sleep, remember just contact Helen as above.

Just click on one of the headings below to take you to the page showing the charges you want to look at

Sale Charges

Purchase Charges

Re-Mortgage Charges

Transfer of Equity