2013 ACCMS, Jan16-18

張貼日期:Sep 06, 2012 3:10:47 AM

 Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS) has  entered into 11th year of its existence. Five successful conferences and  five general meetings of virtual organization has boosted the  computational materials research in the Asian region. In order to  optimally utilize our resources and manpower, it is widely felt that we  should have working group meetings on the emerging areas of materials  simulation. Scientist not only from Asian region but also from all  around the world had exchanged their state-of-art research results in  the previous working group meetings in Japan, 2006 (on clusters and  nanomaterials) and in Singapore, 2008 (on hydrogen storage materials). 

Website: http://www.2013accms.tw/

Abstract Submission Due : September 30, 2012