Technology is Magic Syllabus
Technology -- Indistinguishable from Magic
Technology -- Indistinguishable from Magic
Current Syllabus -- adding new references as new TED and other resources become available.
Current Syllabus -- adding new references as new TED and other resources become available.
Items with the ** indicate ~20 minute videos we will use in class to introduce the topic/discussion.
Topic and Class Index -- See for this syllabus online
Topic and Class Index -- See for this syllabus online
(note most resources have links from this online syllabus for easy access)
(note most resources have links from this online syllabus for easy access)
- Memes - things that get imitated, ideas, actions, jokes ...
- Consciousness - what does it mean to be human?
- Augmented Reality - overlays on what we perecive to create greater insight
- Augmented Humanity - doing things that make us better - hearing, sight -- able to leap tall buildings ...l
- Singularity and intellegent machines
- Immortality
Context: The world is changing (you may have noticed)
- See “Did you know”
- for some painful insight.
- feedback from creator/school teachter Karl Fisch:
- and version 4.0 created in 2009 by the Economist tells variation on the story
- And what will change everything? the 2009 "edge" question
- Memes – the concept, of a concept -- the Second Replicator
- Books
- Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene (identifies the gene's impact as a replicator, defines meme's as a potential second one)
- Susan Blackmore: The Meme Machine
- ** Susan Blackmore on Memes and Memeitics
- Daniel Dennett – Dangerous Memes
- Seth Godin - Tribes we lead (spreading memes)
- Diane Benscoter on cults and viral memes -- exMoonie and brainwashing/intervention
- Deb Roy --Birth of a word -> Starts by tracking development of language in his own child, but then looks at how the tools can track propigation of ideas from media into cyber-sphere
- Mark Pagel - How Language Changed Humanity
- A few questions to consider
- What memes are currently being spread? Political? Nationalistic? Religious?
- What makes a meme "sticky"? Is it easier if the meme is "true" or "false"?
- How does the Nashua Telegraph "truth meter" (2012 elections) affect perceptions about referenced memes? (or other credibility tests)
- Consciousness and what is it to be human?
- Books & Articles:
- Ian Steward & Jack Cohen: Figments of Reality; related keynote from Jack:
- Brian Christian; The Most Human Human
- Jeff Hawkins: On Intelligence
- Douglas Hofstadter & Daniel Dennett, The mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
- (a delightful collection of short stories in this area, touches on agumented humanity, reality and AI as well)
- TED:
- ** Jeff Hawkins – Brains (But also see Brian Christian on YouTube below)
- Daniel Dennett – consciousness
- Michael Pollan - the plant/animal view of humanity
- Jill Bolte taylor, Stroke of insight
- Other resources
- Brian Christian on you tube: 10 minutes
- Nova Now: Emergence:
- Entangled Life; Discover Magazine; Feb. 2009 (Quantum physitcs & conciousness)
- Of Two Minds; Discover Magazine; Dec. 2010 (evolution of conciousness)
- A few questions to consider:
- Is consciousness a grey scale? Perhaps with humans at one end, bacteria at another?
- What are the relevant "stages"? -- self awareness, empathy (other awareness),
- If we encounter alien intellegence, how might we determine if it is conscious? (or intellegent?)
- Augmented reality
- Books & Articles
- IEEE Spectrum article (free) on AR:
- Mind out of Body; Scientific American; Feb. 2011
- **Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology
- in India:
- in US w/MIT's Pattie Maes
- Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps Blaise Aguera, Augmented Reality Maps and virtual presence
- Other resources
- PBS Parents, Augmented reality as our children's future:
- A few questions to consider:
- Augmenting reality is a layer, presumably external, that provides layers of 'story' or information beyond our default senses
- What are potential educational or entertainment uses of "overlaying" reality with an additional layer?
- Augmented humanity
- Books & Articles:
- The Future of Medicine 2013; Scientific American, April 2013 (a number of articles)
- Dean Kamen's Luke Arm:
- video at IEEE Spectrum:
- TED:
- **Greg Stock - To Upgrade is Human,
- Nina Tando - Tissue Engineering (6min)
- Paul Root Wolpe - BioEngineering and ethics (selection, alter env., intentional evolution)
- Dean Kamen's Luke Arm:
- Eythor Bender - Human exoskeletons - wearable robots
- Scott Summit -- designer limbs --
- Chris Abani - reflecting my humanity back at me,
- Anthony Atala - Growing organs;
- Kevin Stone - Joint replacement;
- Ed Boyden - A Light Switch for Neurons:
- Other resources
- BioTech futures - Khanna, Parag:; On Demand Human Enhancement --or;-- full program
- Book: Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization
- A few questions to consider:
- Augmented people are ones with technically enhanced senses - from hearing aids and glasses to implants of many kinds.
- Where is the boundary between augmented reality and augmented humanity? Hearing beyond traditional ranges, seeing in infra-red ... to goggles that provide even more.
- Intelligent, Conscious Computers, and the Singularity -- the next replicator?
- Books & articles:
- Ray Kurzweil: Spiritual Machines
- The Coming Technological Singularity (1993), Vernor Vinge
- Artificial Brain Development; Discover Magazine, Oct. 2009
- The Omnipotence Machines; Scientific American; Dec. 2009
- The Rise of Robo Scientists; Scientific American, Jan. 2011
- Singularity Sky; Charlie Stross; 2003 - a technically informed SF look at a post-singularity future
- **Ray Kurzweil: The Singularity University, and How Technology will Transform Us
- also:
- Cynthia Breazeal - Personal Robots - Kismet, emoting robot
- David Brooks - The social animal - interpenetration as essence of being human
- Juan Enriquez; the ultimate reboot (with some initial critique on the economy – but keep watching!)
- Other Resources
- Watson on Jeopardy; Feb. 2011
- A few questions to consider:
- Will machines/computers ever be "intellegent" or "conscious" -- if not, why not?
- How would we know when machines "awake"? What might they do?
- Practical Immortality & Transhumanism
- Books
- Ben Bova: Immortality: How Science Is Extending Your Life Span and Changing the World
- Ray Kurzweil : Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever
- Vernor Vinge: “Vinge on the Singularity” (short article on the web)
- Back from the Brink; Discover Magazine; March 2011
- 2045 The Year Man Becomes Immortal; Time Magazine (cover article); 21 Feb. 2011
- Why Can't We Live Forever?; Scientific American; Sept. 2010
- Live Long and Prosper; Discover Magazine; Oct. 2010
- The Healing Power Within; Discover Magazine, July 2011 (pixie dust)
- NEW: Juan Enriquez, Will our kids be a different species?
- **Harvey Finberg - Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?
- Aubey de ; Grey – Defeating Aging
- Hery Markham, modeling the human brain
- Greg Petsko – Neurological impact of extended lifespan (even without immortality)
- But also see many of the TED items related to agumented humanity, and Greg Stock "to upgrade is human"
- Other
- NovaNow composite on Netflix: Can We Live Forever? segments on search "live forever" see Immortality Gene (FOXO) portion at
- Future Med program at the Singularity University:
- The Quest for Immortality; 60 Minutes, CBS News; 2006
- Nova Science Now on Aging :
- A few questions to consider:
- Will life extension be limited to the rich? To folks in a given country?
- What things would you suggest be included in Humanity 2.0?
- Some Closing thoughts -- or maybe just the TED talk I couldn't pack in:
- What does Technology Want? - A book by Kevin Kelly, and touched on in two TED videos:
- Kevin Kelly, Evolution of Technology
- (2009)
High Impact Possibilities
- 12 Events That Will Change Everything; Scientific American; June 2010
- Cloning of a human - likely by 2050
- Extra dimensions - 50/50
- Signal from Outer Space - unlikely
- Nuclear Exchange - unlikely
- Synthetic life - almost certain
- Room Temperature Superconductors - 50/50
- Machine self-awareness - likely
- Polar Meltdown - likely
- The "big one" - California Earthquake - almost certain
- Fusion Energy - very unlikely
- Asteroid Collision - unlikely
- Deadly Pandemic - 50/50
- What Comes Next?; Scientific American; Sept. 2010
- The Age of Digital Entanglement - human/computer dependency
- Life Designed to Order
- Era of Infinite Storage
- An Answer to the Riddle of Consciousness
- The Obsolescence of Oil
- Energy that Doesn't Harm Your Health
- A New Window of Human Origins - DNA
- Medicine I Can Call My Own
- The Next Revoluion in Farming
- A few additions from Jim:
- A colony on Mars (my candidate: China)
- Eugenics Renasiance- test for the best; or just a few minor tweeks