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 I have been developing some STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) related courses  for a few different venues.  These include Life Long Learning programs (RISE and OLLI) as well as college/HS student programs. 

I have  tried to put relevant syllabuses online, and keep them updated, in part because they include links to many relevant online (and mostly free) materials -- so you don't need to attend the class to get some really great information and insight.

2025 Class proposals --

Anomalous Thinking-- UFO, UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena )  

2024 Class proposals -- 

Fun with AI in Manchester and Concord (but subject to appropriate room availability)
Concord at NHTI tentatively set for Sept 9, 16, 30 10:30-12
Manchester at UNH tentatively set for Nov 18, 25, Dec 2 1-3pm

2024 Spring Classes

2023 Fall Classes

Dystopian Spirals - How Tech is facilitating dysfunction, division and disaster
Nov 27-Dec4th, Manchester 3PM

TED talks - Mind, Body Spirit building on the NPR TED Radio Hour series.
      Oct 30 - Nov 13th, Manchester, 3PM

Paying Attention to AI, as it pays attention to us ...
A short program on AI's impact on reality that is a work in process, but with things moving as quickly as they are in this field, it seems appropriate to post some content here

2023 Spring Considerations

We the People, Slow Reading & discussing our founding documents:
The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, NH Constitution, Articles of Confederation, others?
-- This may require a continuing Special Interest Group (or become a Socrates Cafe)

2022 Fall Classes

  Things R Better Than You Think, Oct 28 & Nov 4, 2022  ; Virtual 

Based on Hans Rosling's "Factfullness" and related TED lectures (He has been one of the most popular, as you will see) [Targeting in person classes in Concord and Manchester]- 2 Classes

Net Persuasion --12/8/2022-12/15/2022 
      viewing & discussing the documentary "The Social Dilemma"

Retirement Living Options - Zoom 11/29/2022-12/13/2022  

2022 Spring Classes

  Things R Better Than You Think, April 11/18; Virtual [Video preview  Starts about 12:30 in video]

Based on Hans Rosling's "Factfullness" and related TED lectures (He has been one of the most popular, as you will see)

"60's: Spies, Lies and Sunken Subs"   May 2/9, OLLI Portsmouth  [Video Preview Starts about 39:00 in video]

We will look at the various stories surrounding the Russian K-129 sub, raised in part by the Glomar Explorer -- This story of intrigue and technology takes place from 1962 though 1975, with folks still publishing new information in 2017 --- a view of the cold war, silent service (subs), spies (military/NSA, KGB,  and CIA), cover stories, covert operations -- with questions that still have no answers today!  A delightful case study to encourage critical thinking. (And a brief flashback to the Cuban Missile Crisis)

2021 Fall Classes

Sept 13/20 (virtual) class - Things R Better Than You Think

  Sept 17-Oct 8 (virtual) Digital Tech: Pervasive, Invasive, Persuasive

2021 Spring Classes

April 14/21 (virtual) class - Things R Better Than You Think

April 27 (virtual) class -- Net Persuasion -- viewing & discussing the documentary "The Social Dilemma"

2020 Fall Classes

Virtual at OLLI -- Digital Tech: Pervasive, Invasive, Persuasive;  OLLI Nov. 10-Dec 1

2020 Spring Events

Digital Footprints, Free Speech, Privacy and Propaganda;   Concord OLLI May 15; Concord Goodlife Mar 10

Digital Tech: Pervasive, Invasive, Persuasive; RISE Nashua, Feb 13-Mar 12

"60's: Spies, Lies and Sunken Subs"   OLLI Portsmouth <covid canceled>

TED and Talks - Manchester with Bob Jones -- May 9-30 1-3 Manchester

Previous Offerings (if they look good, let Jim know in time to set up the class)