Stephanie Lake

Stephanie Lake

Physics Research Building #1110

Stephanie Lake attended Wright State University (WSU) in Dayton, OH from 2011 to 2016. She worked under Dr. Jason Deibel in a Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy lab. There she became familiar with lasers, nonlinear optics, and pump and probe beams to identify materials that interacted significantly with THz light. She graduated from WSU with a BS in physics dual degree with math.

In the fall of 2016, Stephanie Lake entered the Physics PhD program at the Ohio State University. While taking classes, she has had the opportunity to work with members from Dr. Chris Hammel's group. She became familiar with FMR spectroscopy and the inner workings of operating a Bruker magnetometer.

After a semester, she moved to Dr. Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin's group, where she has learned about chemical vapor deposition and the vast horizon of technologies made plausible with organic spintronics. She has grown V(TCNE) and is interested in manipulating the material's spin orbit coupling with magnetic impurities to study how this may affect magnetic ordering.

Area Of Research:

Organics Group

Current Research:

Organic Spintronics

Centers Used:


Participatory Organizations: