Master Replicas

Master Replicas Force FX series

Below are the Master Replicas lightsabers I have bought. Currently, I have four from the Force FX series. These have permantly attached polycarbonate blades, built-in sound modules, and LED "string" blades. The blades consist of a series of 64 small LEDs, that light up in 4 consecutive sections, to give the illusion of power-up and power-down. Most of the hilts are very well designed, and look great. They even come with horizontal stands, that can even be mounted to a wall.

My current arsenal:

1x Luke Ep.VI (unmodified)

1x Mace Windu Ep.III (LED lux3 modified)

1x Mace Windu Ep.III (unmodified)

1x Anakin Skywalker Ep.III (unmodified)

1x Darth Vader (LED lux3 modified) - no pics yet