The name of wild plants is generally the official Latin name, so everyone can look for more information in a book or online

Wild plants and flowers of North America and Switzerland, Europe.

Orobanche sp

Orobanche sp

Beautiful flowering of an Orobanche, a plant without chlorophyll that parasitize the roots of other plants.

 Impatiens noli-tangere

Impatiens noli-tangere

The flower of Impatiens don't-touch-me; The name of this plant is because if you touch it, the bean explode and the seeds are ejected all around

Bud of Centaurea Montana ready to bloom

Bud of Centaurea Montana ready to bloom

Filipendula ulmaria

Filipendula ulmaria


A wonderful source of food, mushrooms are part of a primitive organic structure, the part we gather is in fact the reproductive organ of a fungus living underground or in dead wood, generally in the form of filaments called mycelium; Thousands of species exist around the world, from rot and putrefaction to the beautiful specimens we can find on our plates. Only one bit of advise, never mix a mushroom you don't know with the rest of your harvest, it's possible toxicity can contaminate all of the others.

Mushroom on tree trunk

Natural Bonsai

A natural bonsai is sometimes a very old tree, which stayed in a small size; the soil and-or the environment where it grows prevented it from getting bigger. One can discover them mainly over boulder edges, in dry and windy places, and in cold areas. In Japan, they served as an example to develop this way of cultivation. The bonsai is known to have a positive effect, not only on the mind of people taking care of them, but also on the people admiring those wonderful miniature trees.

Area rich in natural bonsais

Area rich in natural bonsais

Natural bonsai (Juniperus)

Natural bonsai (Juniperus)

Wild Orchids

Platanthera bifolia

Platanthera bifolia

Besides the fact that they produce beautiful flowers, orchids are part of the most evolved plants on the planet; some have taken the appearance of female insects, while others even diffuse their odor to attract the male insect, which will pollinate the flower while trying to fertilize a female.

Cacti and succulents

Sometimes people ask me : What's the difference between a cactus and an euphorbia ? Besides the fact that cacti are indigenous to the Americas, and euphorbia mainly to Africa; The soap of a cactus is water transparent, but that of an euphorbia is milky white. It is also very rare for cacti to develop leaves, but many species of euphorbia have tiny ones, and some of those species are even trees, like the well known Poinsettia or Christmas flower, which has big colored leaves.
