Birds of Colorado, North America and birds of Switzerland, Europe.

Barn or Chimney Swallow

The Barn or Chimney Swallow is the first to reach Switzerland in the Spring, about mid-April, they like to build their nests inside barns (sadly those birds are disappearing because of the lack of nesting sites) . The second brood, in July-August, have to hurry to get strength before heading for Africa in septembre.

Young maillard

Young maillard

How to photograph Birds

Some tricks to make it easier

Bird photography 

During the warm season, we are going to have the best opportunities to take pictures of birds by going outside and search for them. The best way to find them is to learn something about the species we are looking for, like their habits, the areas and the food they prefer, and of course what they look like.

In springtime, every member of a specie is taking possession of a territory to built a nest and to breed, those are the areas we will have to look for, and the best way to find it is to listen carefully, that's right, because if the bird sings so nicely, it's not only for our good pleasure, but it is mainly to say "Keep out ! this is my place". It is generally the male we can hear, early in the morning, perch on top of a tree, a bush or a rooftop, he is singing his refrain again and again, letting his adversaries know that the spot is occupied, he doesn't fail to put some notes to attract an eventual female flying by. To take a photograph, I'm looking for a cover, a hiding spot to avoid scaring them. I have for example a simple tent in which I made a hole so the camera lens can stick out.

My photography studio

It is a little different during summer and fall, unless the bird takes possession of a new territory for a second brood, one can see them in family or in flocks with others, roaming through the woods, along hedges, or riversides, looking for food; the chance to see them is therefore more accidental.

Winter is paradise for the photographer, but less so for the birds having trouble finding their food, therefore it's easy to attract them with a bird feeder, with mixed seeds, fruits, berries, and suet. A good trick is to place some nice branches around the feeding station, a nice tree stump or a rotten trunk with holes in it, filled with seeds.

 I will not enter the controversy of "feeding or not feeding wildlife during the winter", but if you start feeding, it’s better to keep on, because if you stop suddenly, those creatures will have to look for a new surely already occupied territory, the main thing is to offer quality food, it is better to give nothing than to make them sick with old seeds or spoiled food. So enjoy the next snow season.

Sure it's nice to get a picture from a rare bird or a beautiful animal, but where is the pleasure if we know that the eggs were abandoned or the chicks died because their parents were disturbed too often. I think it's better to take time so a catastrophe can be avoided, if the bird is more confident, he will be back the next year and we will have more photo opportunities.

Red Kite

Bird species

One click on the bird name to see more

Some bird species can be found in North America and Europe

House Finch
Downy Woodpecker
Western-scrub Jay
Evening Grosbeak North America
Red-tailed Hawk Colorado North America
European Kingfisher
Common house Martin Europe
European Serin Switzerland
Black-capped Chickadee North America
Black-billed Magpie Colorado