State Guilt & Shame Scale

Self-report scale for differentiating state experiences of guilt and shame

Piazza, J. and Giner-Sorolla, R. (2011). A self-report scale for differentiating state experiences of guilt and shame. (Final version September 2011) University of Pennsylvania. University of Kent. Unpublished.

Note: We'd advise dropping the Action Tendencies subscales when actual behavior is the object of study, as assessing action tendencies prior to action might dispose subjects towards acting in a particular manner. Furthermore, the Action Tendencies subscales include both positive/promotion (e.g., make amends) and negative/prevention (e.g., disappear) motivations. While promotion (positive) and prevention (negative) motivations may run in parallel, they may sometimes be in conflict and therefore weaken the internal reliability of the scale. Thus, you may find that the promotion (positive) action tendencies load together, across the two scales, separately from the prevention (negative) action tendencies.